It was the day of our belated Christmas feast, and as I raced down the aisles of a nearby Albertson’s, desperately seeking cream cheese and batteries for a toy helicopter, Twinkie the Kid suddenly caught my eye. I just knew I must snap a quick photo.
I’d forgotten about Twinkie, actually, until now. But it’s fast approaching midnight, and as I began digging through photos for something to post for NaBloPoMo, I ran smack dab into his cheerful visage.
I like how the package informs us that it only holds one Twinkie. Wouldn’t want to push the barrier there. She might blow, Captain. I wish I’d taken a moment to read the back. Perhaps there are some caveats like, ‘do not use underwater,’ or some enthusiastic explanations as to how this special holder enhances the Twinkie-eating experience.
It amazes me to see some of the products we have in this world, and to think of all the time and energy that must have gone into producing this, uh, necessity. Then again, what do I know? Twinkie the Kid probably comes in real handy when one is out shooting serpents with their snake slaying gun…
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