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Texas Toast not so Texan, perhaps?

Texas Toast hails from New York?
Texas Toast hails from New York? photo by Tui Cameron

Texas Toast, it’s a common sight around here, “here” being Texas. So what’s this New York connection claiming to be “the original Texas Toast”? I may have unearthed a conspiracy, folks, the culinary equivalent of a chupacabra. Could it be mafia-related? Should I even be asking these questions? If any Texans out there know what’s up, please fill me in. Otherwise, I shall continue my investigation into this matter, and will report my findings in further blog posts, brave cub reporter that I am.

While cruising the NaBloPoMo blog roll, I realized that I probably should have put my blog in the Psychotic Ranting / Anonymous Foaming section, since there’s a lot of playful writing in that category, and it’s not as scary and wigged out as the heading leads you to believe. Here’s an example, which I found at Random Bloggicles.

Frankie Valli says that “grease” is The Word…

The Trashmen say that “bird” is The Word…

Which is it?! Two words can’t be “The Word” can they?

I’m not so sure that anyone has thought this through before.

“Grease” has groove and meaning… “Grease” is the time, is the place, is the motion… “Grease” is the way we are feeling…

But everybody’s talkin’ about the “bird…”

So which is the true word?

Some people say that The Bible is the true word. But I say they are insane… Really? The Bible is the word? That’s not possible! You know why? “The Bible” is a PHRASE! And a phrase is not a word!!! HAHAH!!!

So who is correct? Frankie Valli or The Trashmen?

Sadly, Random Bloggicles does not have a way to leave comments on her blog (that I can find, anyway), or to even email her. I don’t understand blogs that don’t allow comments, actually. To me, that would be my offline journal, something kept to myself. When I babble on my blog, it’s an open letter, a conversation waiting to happen – or not.

I notice fewer comments on people’s blogs this time around with NaBloPoMo, although it looks like plenty of people have signed up for it. This is the 4th year in a row that I’ve done it, and maybe the momentum will pick up, but it seems like people are sticking to their own blogs more than usual, instead of getting out there, mixing, mingling, and posting on other NaBloPoMo participants blogs as much as usual.

I hope I’m wrong, and that things will pick up as the month progresses!

Tui Snider
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  1. It is true that people do not have as much time to read and comment on other people’s blogs during NaBloPoMo… I am in catch-up mode right now since I do feel guilty.

    THAT Texas toast IS our favorite kind/brand in this household. Do give it a try. ;-)

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      I wasn’t trying to make anyone feel guilty on the NaBloPoMo front. I know it’s hard to comment on tons of blogs, unless you are a SPAMbot. I nearly deleted that part of my ramble, but decided to leave it in, since I’m doing a sort of “stream of consciousness” style Nablo this year, and that’s what bubbled up. The main reason I mentioned it is that when I was cruising around, I came across a bunch of blogs that either didn’t allow comments, or else had 0 comments on their stuff, and I thought that was a bummer.

      I’ve only had Texas toast in restaurants, so far. Guess I need to buy a box of that stuff instead of just posting pix of it on my blog! Wonder how the whole Texas toast thing got started, anyway? Thanks for stopping by! ~Tui

  2. You know what’s funny is that I got some ‘California’ sourdough in the nice area of the grocery store for a taste of home for my lady. Kit’s from just a bit outside San Francisco. Well, The California sourdough was made in Illinois. Good stuff though, minus the authenticity…

  3. Allison here (NaBloPoMo, glitter gourd lady) – I NOTICED this is my supermarket circular – “New York Texas Toast” Wha? I think, and I say this with great love as one married to a New Yorker, and as a Bostonian who has learned (begrudgingly at times) to love NYC, it is New York’s need to claim itself as the inventor of all things awesome ;) I guess that now includes Texas Toast!

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      So I’m not the only one to find this toast situation odd! My fiance is from Long Island, so he just smirked when I pointed the stuff out at the store. Thanks for stopping by, Allison! ~Tui

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