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Frosty the Cowboy

Snow Cowboy

A few days ago, 12 inches of snow fell here in north Texas. Dormant spores in our next door neighbor’s soil hatched a fleeting snow cowboy, a rare phenomenon, indeed. The chilly fellow was eager to party, however, and invited us all to a barbecue. His tiki torches, alas, failed to properly light.

Looking down the street, it was sheets of snow and pick-up trucks for as far as the eye could see.

Snowy Insight

Except, of course, in our driveway, where our little hybrid huddled beneath a heap of snow. Brr!

Tui Snider
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Published inTravel Photo Essays


  1. Such a cute snowman. That’s a lot of snow. We are having Spring 1 right now. Spring 2 will hopefully be right around the corner. Last year we went straight from winter to summer, so we were owed this extra spring.

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      Last year’s winter up north was pretty intense, as I recall! I was living near Olympia at the time. We were housebound, in fact, for 10 days because of the snow at one point. Still, we had a lot of fun sledding with the kids and so forth.

      I know what you mean about Spring 1 and Spring 2 in the northwest, too. I have often planted things outside too early, only to see them zapped by a winter backlash.


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