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Consider the source

Ceramic frog at the Dallas Farmers Market.
Ceramic frog at the Dallas Farmers Market.

As you may have noticed, I haven’t updated Mental Mosaic for a while. Long story short, I’ve had some health problems, with fatigue being a major component. This frustrating weariness made it all I could do to keep up with paying gigs, such as writing for PlanetEye Traveler. As a result, I let this site falter.

Tired of being tired, I finally sought medical help in May. Turns out that I was super anemic, so I’ve been eating spinach and rusty nails all summer long. By the way, if you ever find out you’re really low on iron, don’t expect to feel great overnight. It takes a while! It took me over 2 months of iron supplements before I began to perk up. Also, I didn’t realize that the anemia made me feel crappy in more ways than simply being tired, so it’s been nice to see other symptoms gradually subside, too.

Even though I’m slowly getting my energy back, there is a chance I may need a hysterectomy. I go in for more tests next week, and will take it from there. I hope I don’t need surgery – not just because of the discomfort and the expense, but also, I am really scared of general anesthesia. The whole idea of surrendering my consciousness like that freaks me out!

To allay my fears, I turned to Google, and quickly found several forums where people discuss how to deal with the fear of anesthesia. It’s always a comfort to know you are not alone. One forum, in particular, really hit the spot. As I scrolled down the page, I began to feel less and less anxious. I was especially comforted by a list written by a nurse, detailing 25 reasons not to fear anesthesia, stuff like, “Remember that it is their job to monitor your vitals,” and, “What seems scary to you is just another day of work for your healthcare team.”

I found this woman’s final reason for not fearing general anesthesia rather odd, however, because it read, “And remember, the best thing of all is that when you wake up you will have great big boobies!” Now there was a side effect I had not come across before. Eventually, I realized that I had stumbled onto a breast augmentation forum!

So there you have it, folks: I’m back. I would say more, but I think I’ll do some blog-hopping and see how all of you are doing!

Tui Snider
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Published inTravel Photo Essays


  1. Um, sorry I am late (like showing up at a birthday party two years later). I am glad they found out the cause of your fatigue cause, well it sucks, and your fab writing needs to go out. Congrats on the writing gig. And I love your blog design, it totally kicks ass (actually I wrote ‘kisses ass’ – this is a dyslexia problem I need to avoid while in bars).

    I have some anesthetic worries but as one told me, “I am the one person whose entire energy and focus is in keeping you perfectly healthy. The doctor and nurses don’t do it.” – often anestheologists will keep one hand on you and one on the machines as the face will put out minor signs that the machines can’t pick up, like sweat, or eyebrow twitches if you are in pain, so they can make sure you are okay. I still hate giving up consciousness (particularly after I found out I don’t and talk endlessly after I front brain consciousness until they can get me out – when I came out and she told me, I discourced on liver absorbtion factor, I was mortified, she said, ‘meh, I’ve had a 14 year old ask me to marry him, it happens.’

    Next time, I hope I natter on how I better end up with bigger breasts when this is over. Thanks for that laugh.

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      Talk about late – that would be me! Dunno why my blog put your comment into my spam folder. So glad I checked it before hitting the delete key. Thanks for your kind words! I know I’m a wuss about the whole anesthesia thing, but writing always helps me get things out of my head. By the way, I’m doing NaBloPoMo, so I’ll be around all month. Think I’ll pop over to your blog today and see what’s up. :)

  2. gail bray gail bray

    crap. the <3 doesn't show up as a heart like it does in fb.

    Sending love

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      <3 back atcha, babycakes! :)

  3. gail bray gail bray

    Hello dear Tui! I thought i’d stop by mental mosaic to see what’s up with your beautiful self. Hope your health is much improved and with whatever new challenges are in your path, you reign triumphant.


    ps I am headed out to the northwest next month and will be visiting PT. Hoping to see our mutual pals. We’ll raise a glass to you!

    pss <3 <3 <3

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      Oooh – PT, eh? If I send you my phone number, you could even make some tipsy prank calls on me! Thanks for the good vibes, Gail, you put a big smile on my face. :) xo!

  4. mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

    Sheila: Somehow, I’m not surprised that you were off and running out of the gates. I admire your energy level! Thanks for the encouragement.:)

    Aerie-el: Thanks for the kind words. You are a brave one! I’m feeling more relaxed, but impatient to get things done. Oh – and I hear ya on the anemia iron-y! ;p

  5. I hope you don’t need surgery but if you do, rest easy. I can attest that as a survivor of numerous surgeries (none were elective surgeries; and none of which I woke to bigger boobies), it isn’t bad. I find it rather humorous to think back and remember hearing the anesthesiologist say “count backwards from xxx”, and how seldom I could count more than 2 numbers before the ‘lights went out’.
    Ironic that you ended up being anemic while the guys have too much iron. I guess it evens everything out in the universe??

  6. It was a little scary to me, also, but I don’t regret getting the surgery. It solved a lot of issues for me. I heal quickly and was back on my feet in record time, but let me just say this. When they tell you not to vacuum, they aren’t kidding! Just plan on leaving that chore to someone else for the entire six weeks no matter how quickly you heal. I was back to painting the house in two weeks and was surprised at how difficult and tiring vacuuming was. (and yes, painful,too.)

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