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Bleeding Espresso’s Gita Italiana 2010

Bleeding Espresso's Gita Italiana 2010

One of my favorite bloggers is Michelle Fabio of Bleeding Espresso. After getting her law degree in the USA, Michelle journeyed to the little Italian village where her relatives originally came from. Before long, she fell in love with the village, the Italian language, and a lovely Italian man, as well. Needless to say, she still lives there. Romantic enough for you? I believe the movie rights are still available, so move over “Eat, Pray, Love”! Seriously, though, check out her blog if you haven’t already.

From August 16th – 31st, Bleeding Espresso is hosting a series of guest bloggers who are taking readers on a virtual trip through Italy, a.k.a. a gita Italiana. I feel honored to be included in this year’s gita, and have a post scheduled for the 31st. In the spirit of the gita, I notice that Susan, from Susan’s Colorful Life, recently posted an Italian reminiscence on her blog, so check that out!

In the meantime, the Gita Italiana 2010 is in full swing. So if it’s as sweltering where you are as it is here in north Texas, grab yourself an iced coffee or tea and head over to Bleeding Espresso to see where Michelle’s guests have taken us so far.

Tui Snider
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Published inTravel Photo Essays


  1. Hi Tui,

    Sorry to read about your health issues. Being tired is certainly a bummer as well as possibly needing surgery but, I agree, that you needn’t fear anesthesia. Just treat it like flying. I always say my prayers before takeoff, and then, I put my faith in the pilots!

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      I like the pilot analogy! I’ve often told folks who are afraid of flying that statistically speaking, the most dangerous part of their trip is the drive to the airport. Thanks for the kind thoughts! :) ~Tui

  2. I read your post on Bleeding Espresso and thought I would drop by to thank you. A lovely comparison of Italy and Texas! I live in Houston and am married to an Italian, so lots of what you say makes sense to me. Love your blog too… will add it to my list. Nice to “meet” you!

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      Thanks for stopping by. Nice to meet you, too! Think I’ll pop over and say hi on your blog and see what’s going on in Houston. :) ~Tui

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