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Tag: health

Tell me about your “big but,” Simone!

What is IWSG? IWSG stands for “Insecure Writers Support Group.” It’s a monthly check-in for writers of all stripes. Its creator, Alex J. Cavanaugh, describes ISWG like this: “Purpose of IWSG: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!” – Alex J. Cavanaugh My big writing fear: My big writing fear is that I won’t be able to keep up with everything. I love all my writing projects, and I do…

Reverb 10 prompt: Wisdom

The Reverb 10 prompt for December 10, 2010 comes from Susannah Conway, author of Unravelling Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? For Lois Kelly, learning how to do nothing was her wisest move in 2010. Brooke Farmer realized this year that: Conventional wisdom is mostly bullshit and will not make you happy. Or, at least, it won’t make me happy. So this year I having been making lot’s of bad decisions and I am, so far, very happy with the progress I’ve made. Dev made a conscious choice to…

Alix’s Story: Chronic Pain and the Power of Stubbornness

I’m letting my bangs grow out, not because I think it will look good, but because I made a promise. Let me explain why this promise is such a big deal to me. It’s a long story, so I’ll try sum it up without too much rambling. A little over 10 years ago, my dear friend, Alix, was in a terrible car accident. This was no mere fender-bender. Alix’s vehicle was struck head-on by a woman who fell asleep at the wheel. The slumbering driver got a broken wrist out of the incident, but Alix nearly died. While waiting for…

Consider the source

As you may have noticed, I haven’t updated Mental Mosaic for a while. Long story short, I’ve had some health problems, with fatigue being a major component. This frustrating weariness made it all I could do to keep up with paying gigs, such as writing for PlanetEye Traveler. As a result, I let this site falter. Tired of being tired, I finally sought medical help in May. Turns out that I was super anemic, so I’ve been eating spinach and rusty nails all summer long. By the way, if you ever find out you’re really low on iron, don’t expect…