Got this Thanksgiving text message today from my pal, Woofmutt:
I’m thankful for text messaging which takes minimal effort yet lets me feel like I’m interacting with people in a meaningful way.
I’ve known him since we were kids and he always been witty and observant. Before deleting his text messages, I generally jot them into my digital journal. Here are a few more that I kept, for instance:
Things Learned From Movies & TV: If you know there’s someone who might want to kill you, never take a bath with a TV or radio nearby.
Watching “Where the Wild Things ARe: Movie cliche: At the top of a high cliff a character looks to see a single rock fall into the sea below.
I’m in Walla Walla, the town so nice they named it Walla Walla instead of Bastardvania.
Getting back to Thanksgiving, here is something I want to know. Why do the Dallas Cowboys call themselves, “America’s football team”? The official tourist slogan for Texas is, “Texas – It’s like a whole other country.” OK, then, Texas. Tell us how unique you are. I get it. But then, you turn around and claim that your football team represents the whole country? C’mon, Texas, which is it? Are you a rugged maverick or everyman USA?
Last year, I celebrated Thanksgiving in England with my step-daughter, her hubby, and his folks. Pumpkin pie was a foreign concept to them until my step-daughter arrived, bearing exotic American recipes and wicked culinary skills.
It is funny how often Americans think Thanksgiving is celebrated around the world. I remember when someone asked my British son-in-law if the English celebrate Thanksgiving. We were just getting to know him, and I felt so embarrassed. He handled it well, though. NYC Caribbean Ragazza recently mentioned on her blog that people often ask her if Thanksgiving is celebrated in Italy. Funny, eh? Maybe if they ran this video as a public service announcement every year it would refresh the public’s collective memory of the true meaning of Thanksgiving (then again, maybe not.)
Anyway, I am off to eat homemade sweet potato chips and dip. Later, I’ll probably text some loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving to all y’all wherever you may be!
mmmmmmm, homemade sweet potatoe chips, ….I think that a lot of the american holidays, people in general have no idea what is behind them or why they are celebrated other than that its a day off from work :) I like to research that kind of thing myself as I sometimes have no idea why we celebrate the events on the calendar like we do.
Stopping by from Chasing Joys FBF
Hi Djrelat,
I know what you mean about some people not even thinking about the meaning behind holidays. That’s one reason that I go out of my way to say, “Independence Day,” as much as possible instead of just calling that day, “July 4th,” y’know?
My hubby makes the best sweet potato chips! They have become one of my fave comfort foods. :)
Thanks for swinging by!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I watched “Where the Wild Things Are” in French and it made absolutely no sense to me.
Lydia: “Where the Wild Things Are” didn’t make much sense in English, either. ;p Seriously, though, where the tone of the book was exuberant and playful, the movie was much more somber and dark. ~Tui
I wondered about that whole Cowboys being America’s Team as well.
Thanks for the shout out!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too.
Hey – Thanks for stopping by! I lurk on your blog, ‘cuz I find you inspiring – bwah ha ha! ;p ~Tui