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Tag: NaBloPoMo posts

Hypothetical Pie

Back in my barista days, when I had an interesting idea, I’d quickly jot it down on a scrap of paper, then toss it in my tip jar. On days off, I’d sort through all this flotsam and see what I had. Yeah, that’s my idea of fun. At any rate, sometimes my shorthand is too cryptic. The first time this happened, the paper simply said, “Hypothetical Pie.” Sure, It was my handwriting, but I had no clue what I’d originally meant by that. Made me feel a little startled – and senile – actually. I still don’t know what…

Hey, does this food pyramid make me look fat?

If you’ve read my blog much, you’ve probably noticed that I like to take pix of some of amusing billboards and post them here. So far, I’ve blogged about the mysterious Hardcore Training Facility, the fact that in Ft. Worth Big Grandma is Watching You, and whether or not you’ve Got Gun?. I even lamented about the ‘ones that got away’ in my Bubbly Clouds post. I’ve seen these donut ads for a while now, but have been holding out because there is a particular one I wanted a photo of. It shows this donut ad side by side with…

drop everything and dance

I love to jump around, move, and gesticulate. When I’m in a good mood, I kinda dance around the house, whether there is music on or not. It may look odd, but just because *you* can’t hear the tunes in my head, doesn’t mean they aren’t worth grooving to! It just feels good. That’s one thing I really miss about Italy and Spain, people don’t mind if you wave your hands around when you talk. Why do we love to move our bodies so much? Even at the cellular level, heart cells sync their rhythms. I wonder if there is…

Shark-gazing at the Dallas World Aquarium

Don’t let the name fool you, the Dallas World Aquarium is more than just a fun place to see exotic fish. Even the nondescript exterior of this former warehouse belies the lush interior inside. The show begins even before you have bought a ticket; as you wind your way along the side to enter, there is a “Wilds of Borneo” display featuring animals from Indonesia. You then enter at the canopy level of a humid rainforest environment called the “Orinoco – Secrets of the River” display. Walkways let you meander through the treetops, where several bird species fly through the…

2009 was like colorful dust on the floor

Colorful padauk and purpleheart woods brightened up the gray cement in Tex’s shop today. It really surprised me how the sawdust seemingly painted the floor. Those two sticks in the upper lefthand corner of the photo show what the exotic woods look like. They really are that colorful, even without wax or varnish. I can’t tell you what we are making because they are top secret, ultra-belated gifts for family. Yeah, we are way behind! While I feel excited about the upcoming year, I still haven’t taken time to look back over 2009, nor have I made concrete goals for…

Twinkie the Kid

It was the day of our belated Christmas feast, and as I raced down the aisles of a nearby Albertson’s, desperately seeking cream cheese and batteries for a toy helicopter, Twinkie the Kid suddenly caught my eye. I just knew I must snap a quick photo. I’d forgotten about Twinkie, actually, until now. But it’s fast approaching midnight, and as I began digging through photos for something to post for NaBloPoMo, I ran smack dab into his cheerful visage. I like how the package informs us that it only holds one Twinkie. Wouldn’t want to push the barrier there. She…