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Tag: NaBloPoMo posts

Harvest Moon

The title of this post reveals what I playfully attempted to capture in tonight’s photo. Yup, that orange sphere is all I could snatch of the spectacular harvest moon we’ve had this week. In keeping with my, “snapped from the passenger seat” theme, I grabbed this shot as we hurtled down the highway, smugly getting 70 mpg in our Honda hybrid whilst being passed by one gas-guzzling Texan pick-up truck after another.

Bubbly Clouds

I’ve decided to see how far my ‘shots from the passenger seat’ obsession will take me this month. Before I explain today’s pic, however, let’s take a moment to grieve together over the ones that got away. I was not quick enough, for example, to get a photo of the billboard showing a 6 pack of Miller beer which read, ‘Show the recession who is boss.’ (I can’t help but wonder if the the ad team come up with that one after sampling large quantities of the product.) I tried to get a photo of the furniture store marquis offering…

Got Gun?

Spending time in Texas when you’re from the north is rather like hanging out with an infamous uncle, the one you’ve been hearing outrageous stories about your whole life, but have never met. You step off the plane, shake his hand, and can’t help but keep a mental checklist of how he stacks up in real life versus all the family lore. As a newcomer, I am still sorting through Texan cliche versus Texan reality. One that’s ringing true so far is that folks like their guns down here. I have seen billboards for at least 3 different gun shows…

Hardcore Training

What do you mean, you go to Curves? 24 Hour Fitness? LA Fitness? That’s sissy talk. Around these here parts, we take physical fitness seriously. That’s right. We are hardcore, hence the name. I haven’t actually been inside Hardcore Fitness, I merely snapped this shot as we drove by, but it’s all too easy to envision a Spartan interior, with plenty of cement and jutting corners. The dressing room benches are cold hard slabs, nothing cushy anywhere. Cold showers, for sure, and let’s not forget the lurching, no-necked, roid-filled trainers with monosyllabic names who barely move their lips when they…

Worth a thousand words?

I don’t know if I should even attempt to explain how this photo came about. Last night was Halloween, and the neighbor’s adorable kitten tried to adopt me, but that hardly sums it up. Perhaps I should just say something like, ‘I can haz hornet spray,’ and leave it at that. In any case, I am posting this photo because it is the first day of November, and this photo could serve as a writing prompt for those of you who are busy with NaBloPoMo, NaNoWriMo, or (like me) both. This is my 3rd year doing both, and it makes…