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Cemetery Symbols: A is for Anchor


What does an anchor signify on a headstone?

ANCHOR: Anchors often refer to St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors. As a symbol, anchors represent hope in troubled times. During the Roman persecution of Christians, the anchor served as a secret symbol, a covert referral to the cross. (How to comment: My blog comments are broken, but I’m trying to get that fixed! In the meantime, please comment about this post on Facebook: A is for Anchor Leave your link in the comments, and I’ll be sure to drop by your blog, too. You can also tweet me at @TuiSnider. Hey – this could work! :D)

What is the April A to Z Blog Challenge?

Each April, people from all over the world participate in the April A to Z blog challenge, and you can too. It’s a lot of fun and it’s a great way to meet other bloggers. To play along, all you do is make a blog post for each letter of the alphabet during April, then use the blog hop linky to visit as many other bloggers as you can.

Visit other A to Z bloggers:

Find out more about the April A to Z blog challenge, and check out the other participants!


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Tui Snider
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Published inHistoric Cemeteries

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