What is the April A to Z Blog Challenge?
Each April, people from all over the world participate in the April A to Z blog challenge, and you can too. It’s a lot of fun and it’s a great way to meet other bloggers.
To play along, all you do is make a blog post for each letter of the alphabet during April, then use the blog hop linky to visit as many other bloggers as you can.
My 2015 A to Z Theme…
The theme I’ve chosen for the 2015 A to Z blog challenge is *drum roll please* Cemetery Symbolism.
So, why did I choose this topic?
My writing research often leads me to historic graveyards. I’ve come to think of cemeteries as open-air museums, but I often wish for a field guide to the symbols on the headstones, as well as information regarding the direction they face, why certain trees and flowers are planted there, etc…
While I have found good books on symbolism and graveyards, I have yet to find a pocket-sized reference book for people who enjoy traipsing through historic cemeteries.
…is related to my next book!
It’s often said that you should write the book that you would like to read, so I am doing just that! One of my current writing projects is to create a handy-dandy field guide to cemetery symbolism. I think that such a book will be helpful and interesting to historians, genealogists, ghost hunters, and other writers. (To learn about all my books: click here to check out my Amazon Author Page.)
Cemetery Symbolism Presentation in April
By the way, if you live in Texas, I’m giving a presentation on Cemetery Symbolism at this year’s Granbury Paranormal Expo in late April. (Click here to learn more about it!)
What about you? What’s your A to Z Blog Challenge theme for 2015? Also, if you have any questions about cemetery symbolism, let me know! I’ll try to cover it in my posts.
Stay tuned!
Follow me on Instagram
I love sharing photos on Instagram. In fact, if you click here to find me on Instagram, I’ll follow you back!. (You can also find me from my profile name, which is simply @tuisnider.)
What will other A to Z Challenge bloggers write about?
So there you have it! That was my big theme reveal. If you want to find out what other bloggers will be posting about, check out the link below:
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