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Month: November 2010

Google induced Hypochondria and the Nature of Time

I can Google physical symptoms without getting all hypochondriacal, but when I read about mental illness, I end up wondering if I know anyone sane – including me. For instance, a tendency towards jokiness and the telling of puns runs in my family. Perhaps we have all got a touch of Witzelsucht, a brain disorder that, in one case at least, transformed a lifelong wallflower into the “life of the party.” I had no idea that being happy for no good reason could be pathological, although I’ve often been told to, “wipe that silly grin off your face.” Then there’s…

NaNo, NaBlo, Nicholas Sparks and Rubbed Butt

I keep talking about National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo), but haven’t mentioned that November is also National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo.) I enjoy NaNoWriMo, and have even made the 50,000 word mark a couple of times, but have yet to go back and make anything marketable out of that pile of words. Even so,I am at it again. To me, it’s fun exercise. Y’know, runners like to run, so they have marathons. Writers like to write, so they do NaBlo/NaNo stuff. Are any of you doing both NaBlo and NaNo this year? I found a humorous article describing how to…

Buying Drugs in Mexico

The other day, my fiance asked how my parents were doing and I replied, “They’re heading across the border to buy drugs.” No sooner did I say that than we both cracked up. What I said is true, but it paints the wrong picture. It’s not like my folks were off to mix and mingle with Mexican drug lords. They, like many other law-abiding US citizens, visit the border town of Algodones, Mexico to purchase prescription drugs at reasonable prices. From what I’ve read, Algodones is to medical needs what Las Vegas is to gamblers. The place is chock full…

Homie Alone – Up in Yo’ Grill

Is it just me, or does the little guy on this gumball machine look like Macaulay Culkin? It’s like a movie poster for,”Homie Alone – Up In Yo’ Grill,” or something. Although now, our little boy has grown up. He’s an agoraphobic white boy who never leaves the house and lives out rapper fantasies in his parents’ basement. I never actually saw any of the Home Alone flicks, although I once landed in O’Hare while they were filming a sequel. I remember seeing a bunch of extras at the airport dressed as travelers, all of whom looked way too perky…

Ancient Egypt and Florence Nightingale

Ancient Egyptians believed that you can take it with you, or at least you can have servants bring items to your tomb for you to enjoy in the afterlife. A playful hands-on activity at the Lost Egypt exhibit at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History lets you create your own version of this. As you can see in the photo above, I’ve set it up so The Bangles will bring me a kitty, some espresso, and a music player when I croak. We’re gonna have to tighten up that coffee order, though; I never drink grandes. Now, if…

3 signs of Autumn in North Texas

Contest at She Who Blogs Today, while visiting Michelle’s blog, Bleeding Espresso, I found out about the She Who Blogs: Three Signs of Fall Contest. Here’s the deal: Post a photo that says ‘fall’ to you, then blog about the 3 signs of autumn in your part of the world. The deadline is today, alas, so I am barely squeaking by. Better late than never, eh? 3 signs of Autumn in North Texas Autumn equinox came and went in north Texas, but it still felt like summer despite what the calendar said. Fall didn’t arrive until Texas was good and…