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Month: November 2010

Easy in Texas: Frying an Egg on the Sidewalk

OK, so it would not be easy to fry an egg on the sidewalk today, but it sure was easy during the summer here in Texas. And no, we didn’t fry the eggs directly on the pavement – we wanted to eat them, after all! Did you know that a pan only has to be 150 degrees Fahrenheit to cook an egg? When it is 100+ degrees outside, you don’t have to try very hard to get that egg sizzling. We actually fried eggs in two different ways, as you can see from the photos. My fiance cooked his egg…

Moon Flame

I didn’t have a camera that could do the moon justice, but did that stop me from trying? No way! I sometimes like taking blurry photos through rainy car windows and such (like this one), knowing that I won’t capture things accurately, but they still might be fun to look at later. I don’t usually show these photos to other people, because they don’t get it. They say things like, “That one didn’t come out,” but they’re missing the point. I wasn’t seeking photographic reality, but a feeling, an emotion in the lighting, or simply playing with color. An ex-boyfriend…

Oh goody, I’ve got an inbox full of Prem from readers!

Have you ever heard of Prem? Me, neither. At first, I thought it was a new product trying to compete with SPAM. Turns out it’s been around for years. Funny thing is, I bet the makers of Prem rather wish their canned meat had SPAM’s notoriety. Meanwhile, SPAM – with a little help from Monty Python – has become synonymous with unsolicited email. Hormel, the makers of SPAM, have reconciled with their product’s unfortunate association. If nothing else, it keeps SPAM in the public eye. Hormel only asks that people use lowercase letters when talking about junk email, and all…

Chuck Norris and a Morphed Sense of Home

For years now, I have floundered when people ask, “Where are you from?” I just don’t feel like I am from any one particular place. I suppose that is because I have moved so much – 16 times in the last 10 years, in case you want me to define “a lot.” So when people say, “Where are you from?” I am not sure quite what they are really asking. Do they want to know where I was born? My nationality? Where I graduated high school? Nowadays, I tell people I am from Seattle, even though that’s not accurate. It’s…

Rambling about alien worlds & finding photos

Last night, we watched Jim Henson’s movie, “The Dark Crystal.” I hadn’t seen it since the early 1990’s, and it has held up quite well. I enjoy sci fi and fantasy movies that transport you to lands of the imagination, “Pan’s Labyrinth,” for instance, or “Mirror Mask,” but what most impressed me about “The Dark Crystal” is how Henson created such a unique world without any CGI. The flora and fauna are Muppets. The result is truly creative and delightfully alien, although I must admit, the main character reminded me slightly of Michael Jackson post-plastic surgery (even so, I got…

Texas Toast not so Texan, perhaps?

Texas Toast, it’s a common sight around here, “here” being Texas. So what’s this New York connection claiming to be “the original Texas Toast”? I may have unearthed a conspiracy, folks, the culinary equivalent of a chupacabra. Could it be mafia-related? Should I even be asking these questions? If any Texans out there know what’s up, please fill me in. Otherwise, I shall continue my investigation into this matter, and will report my findings in further blog posts, brave cub reporter that I am. While cruising the NaBloPoMo blog roll, I realized that I probably should have put my blog…