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True Ghost Story Anthology via @Teal_Gray & @TuiSnider – Call for Submissions:

Ghostly Doubles & Vanishing Places

Have you ever seen a ghostly double, a.k.a. a Doppelganger? Have you ever visited a building only to find it had vanished upon your return, or had an item mysteriously vanish and then return? If so, check out this exciting call for submissions from Teal Gray:


Heavenhill Guesthouse in Granbury, Texas (photo by Tui Snider)
Heavenhill Guesthouse in Granbury, Texas (photo by Tui Snider)

Call for Submissions: True Ghost Encounters

Call for Submissions: “I Am the Haunted House!” by Teal L. Gray, Editors: Teal L. Gray and Tui Snider (Hey, that’s me!)


Hello Authors,

I am looking to add true accounts to my collection of personal tales of interactions with ghosts and entities to my book “I Am the Haunted House!” by Teal L. Gray.

*** Please note: At this time, we only need stories specifically involving doppelgangers, vanishing places and/or vanishing items.


If accepted, your story will be published in the book and distributed through Create Space and Kindle worldwide. Remember, I am only interested in true stories for this book up to 5,000 words. Good luck!

While reprints will be considered, in all other instances I ask that writers use 500 word excerpts of their stories any way they want or need to for the first year. Meanwhile, I can use the entire story in my book, I can offer it as an excerpt on my website, I can use it for marketing purposes, etc. during that first year.

After one year of publication, you may also use your story in any way you want, including publishing it or reselling it, but only after “I Am the Haunted House!” by Teal L. Gray has been publicly released for a full year.

Payment Schedule:
· I agree to pay you 45 days after publication via PayPal.
· You will be mailed 2 copies of the paperback book within 45 days of publication.
· In the science fiction/fantasy/horror area, five cents per word is considered “professional” rates. You will be paid five cents per word on accepted stories.

Submissions are open until Saturday November 5th. You will receive notification of acceptance by November 22nd

Please send your stories to:


Want to read some true ghost stories right now?

Even though I research and explore haunted places all year round, when Halloween nears, I get even more searches than usual from readers looking for true ghost stories. Here are some true ghost stories you can read while you are waiting for”I Am the Haunted House” to be published:


If you would like to know when”I Am the Haunted House” is released, scroll down and sign up for my weekly-ish newsletter. In the meantime, please enjoy these spooky and true tales of paranormal hot spots and ghostly encounters:

Tui Snider’s True Ghost Stories Roundup from 2011

Tui Snider’s True Ghost Stories Roundup from 2012

Tui Snider’s Haunted Travel Blog Carnival 

Did I Hear Ghosts at Elmwood Cemetery? by Tui Snider

Listen to True Ghost Stories on TGWW Radio with Teal Gray & Tui Snider


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Published in#TuiSnider #Texas #author #musicianBlog on Writing & LifeHaunted TravelTravel Photo Essays

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