Welcome to this week’s Saturday Show & Tell blog carnival. Can you believe it’s the 9th edition already?
Our first contribution comes from Paula Puffer. When her friend’s dog needed to wear one of those awkward cone collars, Paula discovered that A Little Bit of Boredom and Some Magic Markers = Awesome! which is posted over at her blog, Don’t Be a Pickle Bump. As Paula explains, the post is about:
A little silliness for when a dog has to wear a cone for various and sundry reasons
I like how distinguished the pooch looks in his fancifully decorated collar. I bet Paula could market these – Skymall, perhaps?
Next up, Laura Kuhn presents a fictional travel tale entitled Check Their Ring Finger posted at her blog, Window Seats. The tagline on Laura’s blog says “Spy on a single, stuck-at-home mom and her fantasy world travels.” As her about page explains:
I never thought I would be ‘just a mom’. Being a single mother makes it very hard to be anything else. I’m trying to change that.
One way Laura is trying to change that is by using her blog as a creative writing outlet. Can you relate?
Lastly, Katie Sorene brings us 10 Menu Mistakes that will Crack You Up! posted over at the Tripbase blog. There are some hilarious typos on Katie’s list, my fave being a dessert item called, “chocolate puke,” and this surreal wine description:
A mouth hit I am wimpy in a brilliant fragrance to let you yearn for berries, and to be smooth is a characteristic. It is rare red sparkling wine.
That wraps up this week’s edition of the Saturday Show & Tell blog carnival. Thanks to all who participated this week, either by submitting a post, or by leaving comments below. See you next time!
Would you like to highlight your blog on an upcoming Saturday Show & Tell? If so, here are 2 ways to submit your post. Either send the link directly to me via tui [at] mentalmosaic [dot] com, or submit it through the Blog Carnival site via this link. If you have any questions, shoot me an email, or ask in a comment below.
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