Rooftop Jackalope in Fort Worth, TX (photo by Tui Snider)
What is a Jackalope?
Jackalopes are mythical rabbit/antelope hybrids that frequently appear in folk tales from the southwestern United States.
Rooftop Jackalope in Fort Worth, TX (photo by Tui Snider)
Why is there a Jackalope in Fort Worth, Texas?
In the 1980’s, Fort Worth artist Nancy Lamb was commissioned to create an eight foot tall jackalope sculpture for a garden and pottery shop.
Rooftop Jackalope in Fort Worth, TX (photo by Tui Snider)
Rooftop Jackalope Address
Although the Jackalope Store has since gone under, its unique mascot remains on the roof of what is now a car dealership. I always keep an eye out for it when driving through town. If you’re ever in north Texas and would like to see the Rooftop Jackalope, set your GPS for: 5925 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, TX 76107.
Tui Snider is an author, speaker, and photographer who specializes in North Texas travel, cemetery symbols, and haunted lore. As she puts it, “I used to write fiction – but then, I moved to Texas!”
Snider has several more books in progress, and enjoys connecting with writers and readers all over the globe through social media, her newsletter and her website:
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