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A is for Afraid to Begin

I love encouraging others!

Since I love encouraging other creatives so much, I’m sharing Homemade Creativity Memes for this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge. By “homemade” I mean that the quotes are from all over, but I took each photo with my iPhone. Here’s the one I made for today:

Are you afraid to begin? (graphic by Tui Snider)
Are you afraid to begin? (graphic by Tui Snider)

A is for Afraid to Begin?

Do you ever get the urge to create something, but chicken out because you’re not an expert?

I’ve done that so many times! Didn’t pick up the paint brush because I’m not Picasso. Didn’t touch the piano because I’m not Chopin.

But in the end, who really cares? As long as you’re having fun and it doesn’t hurt anyone, experiment, play, and enjoy being a beginner! Make some joyful mistakes!

Follow me on Instagram & I’ll follow you back!

If you are on Instagram, I’d be delighted to follow you. Simply follow my photo feed (@TuiSnider) on Instagram and I’ll follow you back! Isn’t Instagram fun? I’ve gone from turning up my nose at the idea of cell phone pictures, to being an avid iPhone photographer. (I even had my first gallery show last summer!)

What is the April A to Z Blog Challenge?

Each April, bloggers from all over the world participate in the April A to Z blog challenge, and you can too. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet other bloggers.

To play along, all you do is make a blog post for each letter of the alphabet during April, then visit as many other bloggers as you can. In addition to my personal blog here, I’m also writing A to Z posts for the the Story Dam writing community. You can check those out by clicking here: Story Dam’s Writing Quotes & Encouragement 

Hey, you! Want to keep up with me?

No matter where you live in the galaxy, Tui's books can take you on a FUN adventure!
No matter where you live in the galaxy, Tui Snider’s books & presentations take you on a FUN adventure!

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As a thank you for signing up to my newsletter, you’ll receive a historic cemetery symbols guide I created called “A Quick Guide to The Many Meanings of Hands.” 

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Tui Snider
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Published inA to Z ChallengeBlog on Writing & LifeBlog PostsHistoric Cemeteries


    • Hi, Karen! Glad you liked the pic. My hubby & I were exploring Curacao and came upon these birds in a little park. Thank you for dropping by! ~Tui

  1. Hey, Tui! Sounds like a great theme for the A to Z this year! Fun photo, above, and wonderful thought in the quote! Happy A to Z! :)

    • Hi, Barbara! I had fun making all the memes for this year’s A to Z. Are you doing A to Z, too? Guess I’ll find out here soon, ‘cuz I’m popping over to your blog now. :D ~Tui

  2. “As long as you’re having fun and it doesn’t hurt anyone, experiment, play, and enjoy being a beginner! ” I love it!
    I’ve plunged full speed ahead into many adventures while leaving others behind who are too afraid of tipping a toe into foreign waters.

    • Hi, Tina! Thanks for dropping by during A to Z and leaving a comment. I’m hopping over to yours now to see what you shared today. :D ~Tui

    • Hehe! Yeah, everyone was taking pics with that little alien that day! Thanks for dropping by. I’m off to your blog now! :D ~Tui

    • Hi, Deb! Yeah, I find it necessary to give myself permission slips from time to time – lol! :D Thanks for dropping by! I’m off your blog next. ~Tui

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