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30 Day Book Marketing Challenge: It’s Just Beginning!

It's been an info-binge! (photo by Tui Snider)
It’s been an info-binge! (photo by Tui Snider)

Now is when the fun begins!

This post is supposed to concisely present a few tidbits I learned from the 30 Day Book Marketing Challenge. Frankly, I am too overwhelmed to to do so!

Am I the only one who feels like they just gorged themselves at an info-buffet? Phew! I tell ya, the last few weeks were like Thanksgiving for the brain. I need to plop on the couch for a bit and digest all the things we’ve learned.

I’m not complaining, though, because now is when the fun really begins! Now is when we get to implement all the helpful action steps we were given these past few weeks. Because even though the 30 Day Book Marketing Challenge is ending, it is really just the beginning for all who participated.

I’m excited! Are you?


How D’vorah Lansky Spoiled Me

My hat’s off to D’vorah Lansky. She did a great job putting 30 Day Book Marketing Challenge together. Take a bow, D’vorah – you’ve earned it!

I especially appreciate how D’vorah chose presenters who offered actionable tools. It gave us all a chance to sample their offerings and pursue the teachers who are the best fit for our particular learning style.

As an indie author, I have a small window in my daily schedule for marketing and promotion. D’vorah’s 30 Day Marketing Challenge saved me hours and hours of time by serving up great content with actionable steps each day. This wasn’t merely a “sit back and listen” experience, it was a “jump in and do” experience.

It’s made me a bit spoiled!

Join me on Twitter

I often process new info by explaining it to others, so I am eager to share what I learned during the 30 Day Book Marketing Challenge with all my writing pals. I lead a weekly Twitter chat each Thursday night at 8pm EDT, so I look forward to sharing what I’ve learned there, too, especially with the many indie authors who join us each week.

If you are on Twitter, tweet me a howdy @TuiSnider. I will follow you back, unless of course, you’re a scammy spam bot! ;p

To learn more about #StoryDam chat, check out this link: #StoryDam chat for writers on Twitter. In a nutshell, it’s a chat for writers of all stripes and at all stages in their career.

Would you like to be a chat guest?

While I’m at it, if you would like to be a guest at an upcoming #StoryDam chat let me know in the comments below. Chat attendees have been asking for more marketing tips lately.

Time to roll up your sleeves: What will you do first?

Are you excited to dive into all the new things you’ve learned during the 30 Day Book Challenge? What will you do first? Do you have a pile of messy notes both online and on paper? (I know I do!) How are you digesting all this helpful information? I look forward to hearing from you!

Tui Snider
Follow me:
Published inTravel Photo Essays


  1. Jan Jan

    Hello Tui! I love, love, love your website! I’ve spent far too much time here. I’ve been all over the place. Totally forgot about the rest of the Blog Hop…that’s how engaging your site is. I’d give you my Twitter account but have no clue how to use it. To use your Thanksgiving dinner analogy – by the time I got to Twitter it was like being given pecan pie after I’d already scarfed down the main course as well as two helpings of pumpkin pie. I was stuffed and had no room for any more content that day. Will need to figure that out later. I’m finding it hard to resist following you because I really do love the idea of ‘quirky travel’ as I’ve done a fair bit of that myself. Don’t really have many photos to prove it though. Ok – forcing myself to leave now – please know that I am doing this with a heavy heart – as I’d love to just hang out here for weeks on end. As far as web design and content go – that is a very good thing!!! Congrats on such a stellar job!

    • Tui Snider Tui Snider

      Hi Jan,

      Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad you took time to really dig into my site.

      Twitter can be overwhelming at first, I agree! You’ve made me think I ought to write a post about how to use it, because it is fun, and a great way to connect with other creative folks.

    • Tui Snider Tui Snider

      Hi Kate!

      Yay! I look forward to seeing you on Twitter for #StoryDam chat. There are a bunch of helpful chats for writers on Twitter each Thursday, so you may even want to stick around after for those. :)

  2. I’m with you! This is indeed just the start of the fun and I think posts like yours on this Blog Hop are as valuable as the course itself! I’m going to have to refresh my Twitter account and join you soon.

    • Tui Snider Tui Snider

      Hi Liane! Thank you for dropping by. I hope you do dust off your Twitter account. It’s a great way to mix and mingle with other writers. :D

  3. Tui…I’m laughing because when I was little we headed off to a buffet every Sunday after church! To this day, I generally try to avoid buffets but you’re right, D’Vorah’s was so delectable!

    My career was in sales and marketing and your blog above is a perfect example of the 80/20 rule: 80% of your success is who you are and the way you provide your message! The other 20% is the product, but then you are the product! Well done!

    • Tui Snider Tui Snider

      Hi Peggy! I, too, try to avoid buffets because something kicks in and I feel like I have to “get my money’s worth” rather than just eat sensibly – lol!

      Thank you for you kind words. I hadn’t realized I was applying the 80/20 rule in my post above. :)

  4. Thank you TUI. I’d love to follow your twitter chat, but what time do you do it? As a South African I have problems with time zones. I tried to follow you on Twitter but have been informed I’ve reached one of their limits again. Sigh! I will sort it out and try again, but if you like to follow me in the meantime that will help me find you!

  5. Tui, I love the article. And yes, I’m overstuffed. But it’s better than I was 30 days/daze ago, lol.

    Your page is awesome.

  6. Tui, your photo of the buffet at the computer sums it all up and made me smile! Love your “jump in and do it attitude” and glad you enjoyed the book marketing challenge!

  7. Hello Tui, Yes, I jumped over to follow you on Twitter, my handle is DrEnvo. The BMC has been incredible and now is the time to settle in and develop all the skills we have learned.

    Feel free to sign up for my newsletter. The link in on the homepage of my website.

    Have a great day.

  8. TUI ~ You rock! not even sure where to begin…had been avoiding adding one more social media responsiblity to my calendar,, but you have convinced me I need more Twitter time….see you at StoryDam too…Thank you!

  9. Yes! I have tons of scribbled notes. And my head is whirling. But I think it was a most upbeat and empowering experience. I’m glad I didn’t miss it. Best of luck with your photography. You are quite talented.

  10. Tui,
    your personality comes out in your blog. I enjoyed it.
    I made a list and put them in priority. That is where I am going to start.

    Take My Hand: Hope and Help for the Journey

  11. Tui, first of all, I LOVE your site and all the awesome paranormal info you share. Second, your writing style and sense of humor are fantastic. And finally, I’ll be delighted to stay tuned and share with you my implementation process (it will start on Monday, because I’m stil learning and gathering info through this blog hop…)Thanks!

  12. Tui! I live in Springtown — we need to connect! I’m off on vacation tomorrow for 3 weeks — but lets think about lunch, or coffee or whatever in July! I LOVE your Twitter page, your blog is so great, and really calls to action… Can’t wait to read your books!

  13. I just love the pic you shared for this! I also love the info buffet image that you portray in your words because that is how I have felt with this and the speakers I was listening to for two weeks. I will be processing all of it for awhile and implementing a little at a time. Thanks for sharing these great author resources with me Tui!

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