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What is the Traveler’s Show and Tell blog carnival?

Bryant Park, NYC. (photo by Tui Snider)
Bryant Park, NYC. (photo by Tui Snider)

What is the Traveler’s Show & Tell blog carnival?

The Traveler’s Show & Tell blog carnival is a roundup of interesting travel-themed articles and photo essays from all over the web that I host right here on Mental Mosaic: Even Home is a Travel Deestination every other Saturday. It’s a fun way to enjoy armchair traveling, while finding interesting blogs to follow. Plus, if you’re a blogger, participating in my carnival helps drive new readers to your blog, while giving your site a healthy inbound link. To view past issues, simply click on the “Traveler’s Show & Tell” link at the top of this page.

How to submit your post to Traveler’s Show & Tell

It’s easy to submit your article to the Traveler’s Show & Tell blog carnival using the handy-dandy blog carnival submission form. Please remember to include your Twitter name (even if you have submitted before). This way I can promote you on Twitter when the edition is published. (Also, if you follow me, I will follow you back.)

Writers Guidelines

Here’s a quick list of what I’m looking for:

  • A 400 word (or longer) piece about any aspect of travel.
  • Your submission must contain original writing and properly credited photographs. (I shouldn’t have to say this, but people have submitted plagiarized work before.)
  • Your website must allow comments and trackbacks, so that this can be a two-way conversation.
  • Your Twitter name, if you have an account. (This helps me promote you when the carnival is published.)
  • Please note: I reserve the right to edit the excerpts I use on this blog. (I would rather fix your typos than put add [sic], for instance.)

    But I’m not a travel writer!

    While I love getting contributions from travel bloggers, others are welcome, too. Even if your blog is not specifically a travel blog, you might have a post that fits in with the Traveler’s Show & Tell. Submissions about exotic places are great, but a photo essay about your hometown can be just as interesting as a piece about Timbuktu. Maybe your hometown is in Timbuktu!

    What makes a travel piece interesting depends more on the mindset of the traveler than the actual place they describe. I have friends who can describe a trip to the grocery store in more fascinating detail than other folks could describe a trip to the moon. It’s all in the telling and/or showing, hence, the name Traveler’s Show & Tell.

    What the heck is a blog carnival, anyway?

    A blog carnival is similar to an online magazine. The carnival creator chooses which articles to include and which do not fit their theme. For instance, my carnival, Traveler’s Show & Tell, has a travel theme, so when I get submissions titled, “Hot celebrity gossip” I ignore them, unless, of course, it’s a first person account of someone crossing paths with a famous person while on vacation.

    Other wonderful travel-themed blog carnivals

    The Traveler’s Show & Tell is not the only travel-themed blog carnival out there. There are hundreds of blog carnivals on a wide variety of topics. In fact, at Halloween, I host a blog carnival called True Spooks which is specifically for ghost stories.  Check out the Blog Carnival website to find the right blog carnivals for your posts.

    Here are a couple travel-themed carnivals I especially enjoy:

    Andarin from Byteful Travel hosts the Byteful Travel Blog Carnival.

    Sheila Scarborough from Sheila’s Guide to the Good Stuff hosts Carnival of Cities.

    Tui Snider
    Follow me:
    Published inTravel Photo Essays


    1. […] appear in an upcoming edition of the Traveler’s Show & Tell? If so, check out the post, What is the Traveler’s Show and Tell blog carnival? and follow the writer’s guidelines. It’s easy! Past posts and future hosts can be found […]

    2. […] appear in an upcoming edition of the Traveler’s Show & Tell? If so, check out the post, What is the Traveler’s Show and Tell blog carnival? and follow the writer’s guidelines. It’s easy! Past posts and future hosts can be found […]

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