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Traveler’s Show & Tell – Where Have You Been All Your Life?

Fountain in Barcelona, Spain (photo by Tui Cameron)
Fountain in Barcelona, Spain (photo by Tui Cameron)

Traveler’s Show & Tell – 26th Edition

Welcome to the August 20, 2011 edition of Traveler’s Show and Tell, a weekly blog carnival highlighting posts from travel bloggers around the world. Read on to find out:


    …which musical instrument was once thought to cause insanity.
    …how hitchhiking can be a philosophical journey.
    …whether you know how many states in the USA you have visited.
    …and more:

This Week’s Photo

All I know about this week’s photo is that it was taken somewhere in Barcelona. My husband and I were on one of those city bus tours where you simply hop on and off whenever you feel like it.
Personally, I love that type of bus tour. It helps me get a general feel for a new city and decide which areas I want to concentrate on, much in the same way as leafing through a big magazine helps me decide which articles I want to read first.

1. “Check Engine” by Pamela Jorrick

Pamela Jorrick presents Check Engine posted at Blah, Blah, Blog. Engine trouble is never fun on a road trip, but it’s even worse when it strikes in the middle of nowhere and your kids are getting cranky. As Pamela writes:

“It was only when I stopped that the engine started sounding like a smokers cough, and doing a little shake. Did I mention that it was getting dark? These are the kinds of moments when people start whipping out prayers, and I am no exception. ”

Pamela’s travelogue includes photos of beautiful rugged landscapes – pretty to look at, but definitely not places you would want your car to break down.

Boy Child again wanted to sleep right there in the car. I wanted to cry. Instead, we drove. We had no idea where we were going.

2. “Interview: Derelict Days & Practical Tips” by Andarin

Andarin presents Interview with Seasoned Hitchhiker Irv Thomas: Part 2 “Derelict Days & Practical Tips” posted at Byteful Travel. In case you missed Part 1, Andarin sums it up:

“When we last left off, Irv was telling the story of how he was picked up by a man who he soon realized was a car thief. This man then asked Irv if they should try to bypass the California border patrol. Irv told him that he couldn’t give any suggestions, so the man buzzed past the California border with Irv still in the car!

Part 1 of Andarin’s interview with this fascinating traveler appears in the 24th edition of Traveler’s Show & Tell.

“For part two, we get down to the fundamentals of how hitchhiking can forever change your perspective of how we live in this world, as well as some ideas on the surprising things you can be capable of when you assume full responsibility for your life.”

3. ” Fifty Nifty United States: How Many Have You Been To?” by Mary Jo Manzanares

Mary Jo Manzanares offers a challenge to readers with her post Fifty Nifty United States: How Many Have You Been To? posted at Traveling with MJ, asking:

“How many states and territories have you been to? What do you remember about your first visit? I invite you to make a list and leave the link in the comments.”

I like how Mary Jo shares memories from her visits to each of the states (and US Territories – she is thorough!)

Texas – As a product of the 60’s, visiting the “grassy knoll” in Dallas’ Dealey Plaza was a very big deal. A very BIG deal. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but it’s just a small plot of grass, but the world changed forever because of what happened here.

It’s gonna take some head-scratching and a phone call to my folks to get my tally up. It is certainly a testament to how large the USA is. How about you? How many states have you visited in your life?

4. “Playing Around at Arizona’s Musical Instrument Museum” by Tui Cameron

Tui Cameron, yes it’s me. Thought I would toss something into the hat this week, too, so I am sharing Playing Around at Arizona’s Musical Instrument Museum posted at Mental Mosaic: Even Home is a Travel Destination (as if you didn’t know where you were!)

“Arizona’s Musical Instrument Museum does a great job of putting the instruments in a cultural context and explaining the many roles music plays (no pun intended) around the world, from shamanistic healing rituals, to courting, to sheer entertainment.”

I even had a moment of synchronicity:

A funny thing happened as I checked out the Theremin exhibit; my phone rang. It was a wrong number, but what made it humorous is that my ringtone is a Theremin sample! I have been wanting to learn how to play the Theremin for years, so there is my sign, right?

Did you enjoy this week’s Show & Tell?

That’s it for this week’s blog carnival, Traveler’s Show & Tell. As always, if you enjoyed it, let us know in the comments section. Also, please let the author know you liked their piece by leaving a comment at their blog. See you next week! :)

Do you have a travel story to share?

If so, submit your blog article to the next edition of Traveler’s Show and Tell using this carnival submission form.
Please keep the following in mind:
  1. Include your email address (because the site has been buggy lately) and
  2. Include your Twitter handle (even if you had submitted in the past. It really helps me out!) Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
  3. Only submit if your site has a comment box. It is my hope for this blog carnival to promote interaction among travelers, and not just be a one-way conversation.

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Tui Snider
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Published inTravel Photo Essays


  1. Thanks for including my post, Tui :)nnA shorter one this time. Have you noticed blog carnival submissions dropping off a bit over the last couple months? I have. I think it’s because people are out of town more during the summer. Less time for digital networking, perhaps.nnAnywho, good selections.

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      For some reason, this week I got a bunch of well written posts, but I turned them down because the sites did not include a comment box.

      Sites like that are too one-sided for my taste.

      I like the blog carnival to promote conversations and connections!


  2. I missed your post on the instrument museum.u00a0 Off to go do some reading now!u00a0 Great show and tell today.nn

    • mentalmosaic mentalmosaic

      Thanks, MJ! MIM is a really fun museum. I would love go back. ~Tui

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