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Tag: travel

Historic Cemeteries: So Many Types of Crosses!

April A to Z Challenge 2020: It’s that time of year! Every April, bloggers around the world make posts for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to make friends online. Here’s my post for today: [The following is an adapted excerpt from my book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols. I hope you enjoy it! Also, full disclosure: that’s an Amazon affiliate link. If you buy stuff after clicking it, I make a few pennies at no additional cost to you.] More than 300 Types of Crosses Did you know there are over 300 different…

Why do Historic Cemeteries have so many Benches?

April A to Z Challenge 2020: It’s that time of year! Every April, bloggers around the world make posts for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to make friend online. Here’s my post for today: [The following is an adapted excerpt from my book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols. I hope you enjoy it! Also, full disclosure: that’s an Amazon affiliate link. If you buy stuff after clicking it, I make a few pennies at no additional cost to you.] Why are there so many Benches in Historic Cemeteries? Next time you visit a burial…

Historic Cemeteries: What do Anchors Symbolize?

April A to Z Challenge 2020: It’s that time of year! Every April, bloggers around the world make posts for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to make friend online. Here’s my post for today: [The following is an adapted from my book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols. I hope you enjoy it! Also, full disclosure: that’s an Amazon affiliate link. If you buy stuff after clicking it, I make a few pennies at no additional cost to you.] What do Anchors Symbolize in Cemeteries? While anchors sometimes appear on the graves of sailors,…

Author Interview: 4 Questions for Teal L. Gray about “Reading the Unwritten”

Multi-talented author releases her 4th book: My buddy, Teal L. Gray, has a fascinating new book out called Reading the Unwritten which Amazon recently named a “Hot New Release” in the “ghosts and hauntings” category. This is a book that’s been in the work for several years, and Teal’s fans have eagerly awaited its release. It’s hard to keep up with Teal because writing books is just one of her many talents. She’s also an award-winning quilter, ordained minister, and podcast host, among many other things. As the “Lavender Crow,” Teal developed a line of home grown nature products infused…

Author Interview: 4 Questions with Offbeat Traveler, David C. Kravetz

Planning a Road Trip? Check out David C. Kravetz! Like me, David C. Kravetz loves road trips to offbeat and overlooked places. By sharing his playful travel and nature photos online, this self-proclaimed “selfie king” spreads cheer everywhere he goes. I truly admire David’s eagle eye for quirky goodness. Anyone who enjoys offbeat and overlooked road trips needs his “Less Beaten Paths” series. If you’ve visited my site before, you may already be familiar with David C. Kravetz. He wrote an excellent guest post (All About Jackalopes), and I interviewed him when his first book, Unique Town Names, was released. David’s also featured on…

#IndieBookmas A Holiday Gift Guide Featuring Books by Indie Authors

Need Gift Ideas for Book Lovers? Scroll down! #IndieBookmas is a Holiday Gift Guide for Readers Books make great gifts! Here’s a list of Indie Authors you can support by buying their books this holiday season! To help you, each author describes the type of reader who will like their books. What kind of readers are on your list? Need a gift for Aunt Sally, the genealogy buff? How about your little brother who loves scary movies? Scroll down the list to find the perfect books to give to the people on your Christmas list this year. (And if you’re…