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Tag: Texas

Don’t talk with your mouth full (makes it hard for me to eavesdrop)

‘Twas a long day, with a long drive to and fro. (In the post that got eaten yesterday, I explained that I was accompanying my boyfriend on a work trip up to Lake Texoma today.) As always, I kept my camera on my lap in case I saw anything interesting along the way, and, as always, I missed a few, such as the sign on a semi which read, “Caution: I make wide ass turns,” a church named, “Truth,” a Hulk Hogan doppelganger, and a business called, “The Shop,” which had the slogan, “What happens at The Shop stays at…

Zeitgeist, Reverb 10, and why English is like a snowball

I was gonna keep on trucking, but having no trucking license, I have decided to keep on blogging, instead. I signed up for NaBloPoMo again mainly because this December’s theme is zeitgeist. I adore that word. It has German roots, zeit means time and geist means ghost – as in poltergeist, y’know, which is literally a noisy ghost. I visited Germany once and realized that if a word wasn’t in my dictionary, I could often figure it out if I broke the word in pieces and looked up each chunk separately. The German language is modular, like Legos. English reminds…

Does the type of pet you own predict your income?

According to a survey of more than 2300 pet owners, the kind of animal you own says a lot about you. Snake owners, for instance, are the most likely to earn 6 figure incomes, while bird owners claim the most job satisfaction. Check out the article in its entirety over at The Daily Brainstorm. I once rented a house from a guy who was one of the founders of Century 21 real estate. I assumed from his background that he would be a stickler for paperwork. Instead, he said that in all his years as a landlord, he did better…

Ancient Egypt and Florence Nightingale

Ancient Egyptians believed that you can take it with you, or at least you can have servants bring items to your tomb for you to enjoy in the afterlife. A playful hands-on activity at the Lost Egypt exhibit at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History lets you create your own version of this. As you can see in the photo above, I’ve set it up so The Bangles will bring me a kitty, some espresso, and a music player when I croak. We’re gonna have to tighten up that coffee order, though; I never drink grandes. Now, if…

3 signs of Autumn in North Texas

Contest at She Who Blogs Today, while visiting Michelle’s blog, Bleeding Espresso, I found out about the She Who Blogs: Three Signs of Fall Contest. Here’s the deal: Post a photo that says ‘fall’ to you, then blog about the 3 signs of autumn in your part of the world. The deadline is today, alas, so I am barely squeaking by. Better late than never, eh? 3 signs of Autumn in North Texas Autumn equinox came and went in north Texas, but it still felt like summer despite what the calendar said. Fall didn’t arrive until Texas was good and…

Easy in Texas: Frying an Egg on the Sidewalk

OK, so it would not be easy to fry an egg on the sidewalk today, but it sure was easy during the summer here in Texas. And no, we didn’t fry the eggs directly on the pavement – we wanted to eat them, after all! Did you know that a pan only has to be 150 degrees Fahrenheit to cook an egg? When it is 100+ degrees outside, you don’t have to try very hard to get that egg sizzling. We actually fried eggs in two different ways, as you can see from the photos. My fiance cooked his egg…