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Readers: I need your advice, pretty please!

Understanding Cemetery Symbols – book release this summer!

After a lifetime of exploring historic graveyards and several years of earnest research, I’m finally releasing my cemetery symbols book. Hooray!

The title has changed along the way, but it’s now called Understanding Cemetery Symbols: A Field Guide for Historic Graveyards. I don’t have the exact release date, but barring any unforeseen circumstances it will be released this summer.


Readers: I need your input!

In addition to Understanding Cemetery Symbols, I’m in the process of creating two companion workbooks. One is called Graveyard Journal: A Workbook for Historic Cemeteries, and the other is called Ghost Hunters Journal: A Workbook for Paranormal Investigators.

Historic Graveyard fans:

Graveyard Journal: A Workbook for Historic Cemeteries is a place for you to write down information about all the different cemeteries you visit. It offers a way to keep track of interesting monuments you saw, write down inspiring epitaphs and names, and other pertinent details. Having all this in a nice-looking book that you can keep in your bag or glovebox makes a fun keepsake as well as a unique reference book for you and your family.

Leave Graveyard Journal suggestions here:

If you love exploring historic cemeteries, then I’d love to get your input regarding Graveyard Journal: A Workbook for Historic Cemeteries. Even just a quick comment or suggestion would mean a lot! Click here to share your ideas with me: Cemetery Lovers: I need your advice!

Paranormal Research folks:

Ghost Hunters Journal  is a place for you to record all your paranormal experiences – whether you’re part of a ghost hunting team, or not. This book offers a central place to keep track of your unusual experiences while the details are fresh in your mind. Having all this in a nice-looking book that you can keep in your bag or glovebox makes a fun keepsake as well as a unique reference book for you and your like-minded friends.

Leave Ghost Hunters Journal suggestions here:

If you believe in ghosts, then I’d love to get your input regarding Ghost Hunters Journal: A Workbook for Paranormal Investigators. Even just a quick comment or suggestion would mean a lot! Click here to share your ideas with me: Ghost Hunters: I need your advice!

Want to join my Launch Team?

Would you like be part of my book launch team? A book launch team is a group of readers who help an author get the word out. So, for instance, as a Launch Team member, I could tag you on Facebook when I mention the books. You could also help out by sharing my posts and telling friends about these books, etc…

Launch Team members get FREE books – just saying!

Plus, in addition to my undying gratitude, Launch Team members will be mentioned in the book’s ‘Acknowlegments,’ get copies of the books in advance, as well as other goodies along the way. I’m super excited about this book series and plan to have as much fun as possible along the way! So, if this sounds fun to you, leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you in a day or two about this whole Launch Team thing!Click here to learn more about the Launch Team

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Tui Snider
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Published inBlog on Writing & LifeBlog PostsCemeteries & SymbolismHaunted TravelTravel Photo Essays

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