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Catch Me on the Radio: Close to Death with Selena Roane


Radio Host: Selena Roane

Tonight I’m going to be a guest on a really interesting paranormal radio show! The program is called Close to Death and it’s hosted by the fabulous Selena Roane. I met Selena at the 2014 Granbury Paranormal Expo, where she gave an excellent presentation on her journey as an empath and all the ups, downs, and confusion it has caused in her life. She also played one of the best EVP’s I have heard for the audience. (None of that indecipherable staticky stuff that people pass off as electronic voice phenomenon so often. This EVP was the crystal clear recording of a man speaking – in a room where there were no men. Well, no living men!)

As a result of her own strange experiences, Selena Roane help found an investigative group called FEAR Paranormal (great name, eh?) Here is her full bio:

Selena Roane is the founder of FEAR Paranormal Society, a paranormal investigation team. She is also the host of Close to Death, an internet show about virtually anything paranormal.

In addition to her paranormal team and show, she is an empath and is currently working on developing and enhancing that ability. Selena attends and speaks at various conferences and has led numerous investigations. She was included as an investigator on the “Shadows of 66” documentary with Chip Coffey, Brad and Barry Klinge in 2013.

The paranormal is Selena’s passion. She is continuously researching and learning in an effort to deepen her knowledge and enthusiasm for the field.

You can listen to Close to Death every Tuesday at 6pm CT - 7pm ET
You can listen to Close to Death every Tuesday at 6pm CT – 7pm ET

Close to Death Radio

Selena Roane hosts Close to Death each and every Tuesday from 6:00 – 7:00 pm Texas time (that’s 4pm on the west coast and 7pm on the east coast!) She gets some amazing guests, too. Last week, she spoke with Bishop James Long,  a fascinating man who has participated in numerous exorcisms. (She’s having him back for a special 2-hour interview. I can hardly wait!)

This week, on June 9, 2015, Selena will be interviewing me! We will talk about the weird and wacky research I do for my books, my personal paranormal experiences, and why I decided to create a field guide to cemetery symbolism. We will also discuss a couple exciting Texas paranormal expos we are both speaking at, and how you can participate!

How to listen to the show

You can tune into the Close to Death radio show by going here: Close to Death radio, then clicking on the big red button that says, “Listen and Chat.”

Once again, the show airs at 4pm Pacific, 5pm Mountain, 6pm Central, and 7pm Eastern. If you live in another time zone, you can go here to find the time for you to join us: World Time Zone Converter. 

Come chat with me *before* the show!

Whether or not you can listen in, I invite you to come chat with me before and after the show. Close to Death radio has a chat room that you can join by following this link: Close to Death – Listen & Chat Once there, just scroll down a little and you will see a box that says, “Rambler Web Chat.” You can simply hit enter and you will be in the room as “Guest.” If you want a certain name or nickname to show up for you, you can do that, too.

I will join the online chat room at 5pm Central time, and I invite you to come by, too. Chat rooms can be a lot of fun. Plus, if you have any questions, this is a great way to let us know what they are. Don’t be shy!

Want to read more?

To read about more weird, offbeat, and overlooked places, check out my best selling travel guide: Unexpected Texas.
For ghost hunting hot spots, check out my best selling travel guide to haunted places: Paranormal Texas.
For a strange-but-true tale of Texas history, check out: The Lynching of the Santa Claus Bank Robber. Happy travels!

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Tui Snider having fun on a Texas road trip!
Tui Snider having fun on a Texas road trip!

Tui Snider
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Published inBlog PostsCemeteries & SymbolismHaunted TravelMedia KitTravel Photo Essays

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