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Month: December 2010

Reverb 10 prompt: Wisdom

The Reverb 10 prompt for December 10, 2010 comes from Susannah Conway, author of Unravelling Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? For Lois Kelly, learning how to do nothing was her wisest move in 2010. Brooke Farmer realized this year that: Conventional wisdom is mostly bullshit and will not make you happy. Or, at least, it won’t make me happy. So this year I having been making lot’s of bad decisions and I am, so far, very happy with the progress I’ve made. Dev made a conscious choice to…

Simply Extreme Solutions

In keeping with December’s NaBloPoMo zeitgeist theme: While grocery shopping the other day, I kept bumping into one buzzword after another. Take the photo above, for example. Isn’t it funny how just about any product can be a ‘solution’ these days? Also, have you noticed how many coaching businesses there are these days? Nothing against coaching. Seems like a fine idea, and all. I like the idea of having somebody who is on your side, helping you out, coaching you towards success. I just wonder why the explosion of coaches. What changed? As is my tendency, I started daydreaming. “If…

Reverb 10 Prompt: Make

While I find the Reverb 10 prompts thought-provoking, I have not posted my responses to any of them yet, mainly because I am still mulling them over. Here’s one that I can blab about, however: The Reverb 10 prompt for December 6th, 2010 came from Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? Here are a few things that other bloggers doing Reverb 10 recently made: Jyllian made the “still beating heart of…

I want to feel this again

Have you ever been somewhere that just felt happy? That’s the feeling I got from the island of Nassau in the Bahamas. It’s hard to explain, but the happiness wasn’t coming just from me. Sure, I was happy that day, but it was hot, humid, and I didn’t feel well. Even so, that little island was the most welcoming place. There was happiness coming at me from every direction! It’s not like we did anything particularly special that day, either. We walked all over, explored historical sites, and I drank fresh coconut milk, but as I say, there was more…

Don’t talk with your mouth full (makes it hard for me to eavesdrop)

‘Twas a long day, with a long drive to and fro. (In the post that got eaten yesterday, I explained that I was accompanying my boyfriend on a work trip up to Lake Texoma today.) As always, I kept my camera on my lap in case I saw anything interesting along the way, and, as always, I missed a few, such as the sign on a semi which read, “Caution: I make wide ass turns,” a church named, “Truth,” a Hulk Hogan doppelganger, and a business called, “The Shop,” which had the slogan, “What happens at The Shop stays at…

Silent Sunday (sort of)

Looks like my blog ate yesterday’s post! All that’s left is this photo, but no text, and it wound up in my drafts folder instead of posting to my site. Come to think of it, this has happened a couple times before in years past. In future, I will double check after hitting publish to make sure that it actually did. Irritating! In lieu of reconstructing yesterday’s post, which was written on the fly, I will simply end with the caption I have accompanying this photo on my Facebook page: If this building were a cookie, I could just imagine…