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Month: December 2010

Armageddon knock knock joke

If you thought Armageddon was right around the corner, would you offer a big sale at your store? That’s precisely what LTD Jewelers did in this commercial. How’s that for surreal? The guy seems so cheery about it. I kept expecting him to say, “We won’t be under-souled!” or break into a song and dance number. It reminds me of a cheesy-but-effective knock-knock joke I came up with years ago to repel a long-winded man who came by my house determined to convert me to his particular religion. It was a beautiful spring day and I was planting my garden…

Coping with Christmas Music Burnout: Free Holiday Music Downloads

Are you sick of Christmas music? If so, you are not alone. Any song gets annoying if you hear it too many times in a row. The first restaurant job I ever had was in a gyro joint where the guy would play “Funky Town,” over and over. Oddly, I still like that song, but it makes me crave falafel every time I hear it. Guess that isn’t the best example, but you get my drift, right? I bet you even quit humming “Feliz Navidad” for a moment, too. Oh, sorry – didn’t mean to get that stuck back in…

Reverb 10: Appreciate (I am unfurling!)

Sometimes, like this fall crocus, you’ve got to let yourself go against the prevailing theme of the season. I skipped work today. There were no deadlines, but still, Tuesdays are my Monday. It’s not like there wasn’t plenty of work to do. Instead, I chose to continue unpacking my things. I have been living here in Texas with my fiance for 14 months. It’s about time I unpacked, don’t you think? As I quoted Gwen Bell yesterday, “Our internal lives are heavier than our luggage.” Her words morphed into a recurring echo of, “thoughts are heavier than things,” in my…

Reverb 10: Action steps (& my struggle with clutter)

Today’s Reverb 10 prompt comes from Scott Belsky who wrote a book called Making Ideas Happen Prompt: Action. When it comes to aspirations, its not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen. What’s your next step? Lately, it feels like there are more ‘next steps’ in my life right than there are in this season’s “Dancing with the Stars” choreography. Do you ever feel that way? Don’t get me wrong, though; I’m enjoying the dance of life right now. I’d much rather have things to learn and look forward to than feel stuck and stagnant. I have had times like…

Guerilla Musicals in Public Places

See the mop in the photo above? I can just imagine a lonely janitor grabbing it, then breaking into a song and dance number about the girl he loves but is too shy to woo – can’t you? Of course, I have seen a lot of musicals this year, which could explain why my mind wandered in that direction. But still, that is one wiggy looking mop in my opinion. I kept hoping that a guerilla theatrical production would ensue, something along the lines of The Sound of Music in Antwerp Grand Central Station, West Side Story on the streets…

Reverb 10 prompt: 11 Things You Do Not Need

Today’s Reverb 10 prompt comes from Sam Davidson , who wrote the book 50 Things Your Life Doesn’t Need. What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? I bopped around to see what others plan to rid of in 2011 and to see which things resonated most with me. Ones that I am adding to my own list are in bold type. What I found is that, as usual, Reverb 10 folks interpret the daily prompt in all sorts of ways.…