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Month: January 2010

The Year of the Blog

2010 may be the year of the Tiger, but for Dru Johnston, it’s The Year of the Blog. Actually, he started back in April of 2009, but his goal is to create an entirely new blog each day for a year. I didn’t say blog post, mind you, I said blog. It’s like NaBloPoMo on steroids, folks. He’s got some real gems, too: Fifth Grade Book Reports , which he describes as: ‘100 word book reports for books I didn’t read but have seen the cover. Written in the fifth grade.’ The Cuban Revolution as told through Word Clouds ,…

Last year’s Predictions for 2010

When my step-daughter was growing up, our New Year’s Eve tradition was to make predictions for the upcoming year. I’d write them in my diary, then bring them out the next year to see how accurate we were. People’s predictions can be quite revealing. Some folks make only negative predictions. Everything out of their mouth is dire and gloomy, while others go for humorous stuff, or limit themselves to one subject such as the weather or politics. There’s often a bit of wish fulfillment involved, too. This year, I decided to poll the people at our small gathering to see…

Duck billed platitudes

I love our neighborhood Chinese buffet. The food’s yummy, the staff is friendly and they do a brisk business. This being Texas, there’s a definite regional influence to the line-up: steak, frog legs, stir-fried chicken with jalapeno – even sushi rolls with ham and cream cheese. Their fortune cookies suck, though. Rather than predict anything fun, they merely give advice, and the advice is so obvious even your grandmother would roll her eyes, stuff like, ‘If you are kind to others, you will go far.’ I did get one the other day that was more creative than usual; it read,…

Waiter, there’s a mouse in my coffee

I can honestly say that I make the best espresso in town. Why am I so confident in this boast? Because I make the only espresso in town. Our little home machine is the closest thing to a real one in these parts. The nearest thing to espresso in this burg is spewed out by automated machines at the gas station. It’s actually pretty tasty, but it’s not a cappuccino. It’s not just the brew itself that I miss, but the coffee shops. A friendly coffeehouse offers a nice alternative to donut shops, bars, strip clubs, and churches, all of…

Hypothetical Pie

Back in my barista days, when I had an interesting idea, I’d quickly jot it down on a scrap of paper, then toss it in my tip jar. On days off, I’d sort through all this flotsam and see what I had. Yeah, that’s my idea of fun. At any rate, sometimes my shorthand is too cryptic. The first time this happened, the paper simply said, “Hypothetical Pie.” Sure, It was my handwriting, but I had no clue what I’d originally meant by that. Made me feel a little startled – and senile – actually. I still don’t know what…

Hey, does this food pyramid make me look fat?

If you’ve read my blog much, you’ve probably noticed that I like to take pix of some of amusing billboards and post them here. So far, I’ve blogged about the mysterious Hardcore Training Facility, the fact that in Ft. Worth Big Grandma is Watching You, and whether or not you’ve Got Gun?. I even lamented about the ‘ones that got away’ in my Bubbly Clouds post. I’ve seen these donut ads for a while now, but have been holding out because there is a particular one I wanted a photo of. It shows this donut ad side by side with…