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Month: January 2010

A lot on my plate

If we write to taste life twice, as Anais Nin once suggested, then why do we blog? Perhaps it’s to give others a little taste of our own lives. I wonder how many bloggers were active diarists before going online. I wonder, also, how many of those who made the transition from pen to pixel have quit keeping an offline diary. I love blogging, but I also enjoy keeping an offline journal. I certainly write differently here than there. My offline diary serves many purposes; besides recording memories, it is a place for me to dissect and digest experiences. I…

We’ve got you covered, sort of . . .

There’s not much to say about the charmingly named ‘Butt Face Towel,’ since the product literally spells it out for you. I won’t even bother making a cheeky crack about it, although its clearly begging for one. I can think of a slogan for them, though: ‘Butt Face Towels. We’ve got you covered – sort of.’ If you are going for a certain decorating motif, however, these boldly labeled towels could be helpful. Perhaps you only stock your pantry with generic household items. Why, these towels would fit right in! That’s a rather narrow marketing niche, though. I’ll bet these…

Being new versus being authentic

The other day, a little bird recommended an interesting article to me. It’s a take on creativity written by Scott Bourne over at the Photofocus blog. In it, Scott mentions how low self esteem stunts creativity, and how freeing it is to let yourself fail. While I’m familiar with those ideas (although I seem to need constant reminders) what was new to me, were his ideas on being authentic: “I learned this concept best by listening to John Paul Caponigro. He was talking about other art forms and mentioned that in Asia for instance, artists don’t worry about coming up…

Gender bending Texan style

If you know Italian, you can imagine my confusion upon seeing this sign on the restroom door of the Maccheroni Grill here in Texas. ‘Uomini’ means ‘men,’ you see, so I hesitated to walk in. The other sign, at least, read both ‘signore,’ and ‘men,’ so after standing in the hallway for a few baffled moments, I opted for door number one: Uomini. Phew! Not a urinal in sight. It was the ladies room, all right. On the way out, I asked one of the wait staff about the sign. She just shrugged and said that, ‘It was painted by…

I once saw stars . . .

. . . on a cloudy, cloudy day. As you can see, I am giving my blog a big 2010 makeover. Please let me know if it doesn’t work with your browser. I will see what I can do. Thanks! :)

Joy versus Fun

While tucking away some Christmas cards, I began thinking about the word joy. When compared to fun, doesn’t joy sound a bit lofty? Somehow, joy sounds restrained, ordered and prim, while fun sounds active, spontaneous, and like you might even get your hands dirty. I still think Joy is a lovely first name, though.  So, Joy, if you ever read this, please don’t take offense!