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Tag: graveyard

Cemetery Symbols: L is for Lion

What do lions signify at a gravesite? LION: If you’ve ever seen “The Wizard of Oz,” then it probably comes as no surprise that the king of the jungle often represents courage when seen in a graveyard. Lions also represent God’s power and the strength to combat evil. Here in north Texas, I don’t come across lions very often, but when I do it is usually in conjunction with opulent mausoleums and/or headstones for wealthy people. How to comment: Please comment about this post on Tui Snider’s Facebook. Leave your link in the comments, and I’ll drop by your blog,…

Cemetery Symbols: K is for Knights of Pythias

What does a knight’s helmet surrounded by the letters F, C, and B mean? KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS: What started in 1864 as a secret society for government clerks, The Order of the Knights of Pythias eventually opened its doors to any man who believed in a higher being. At it’s height, this fraternal order grew in size to nearly one million members worldwide. The Knights of Pythias still exists, and is often linked with orphanages and charity causes. The club’s symbol is a knight’s helmet and shield surrounded by the letters F, B, and C which stand for Friendship, Benevolence,…

Cemetery Symbols: J is for Jesus …in Cowboy Boots!

Jesus in Cowboy Boots? I had such a hard time coming up with a good cemetery symbol for the letter J that I decided to re-post my entry for the 2013 A to Z blog challenge, in which my theme was Quirky Texas. That was my first year, and I didn’t yet realize that A to Z posts are meant to be short and sweet. This is a fun one, though. Enjoy! How to leave a comment on this post Please comment about this post on Tui Snider’s Facebook. Leave your link in the comments, and I’ll drop by your…

Cemetery Symbols: H is for Handshake

What does a handshake mean on a headstone? HANDSHAKE: When my field guide to graveyards is complete, it will certainly include an entire chapter on the meaning of hands in cemetery iconography. Hands appear frequently and are used to indicate many different things. For the purposes of this A to Z post, I have chosen the type of handshake that indicates a married couple. Without seeing the names, you can tell the wife is on the left and the man is on the right due to the jewelry and style of clothing on each. The woman’s hand often appears more…

Cemetery Symbols: What is the Masonic G?

Why is there a G in the Masonic symbol? THE MASONIC G: It seems like a simple question, “What does ‘G’ in the middle of the Masonic emblem mean?” Finding a simple answer, however, is not so easy. As a teen I joined the Rainbow Girls, which is the youth group associated with the Masonic Temple. They must have thought I had bladder problems, because I constantly excused myself during class. Instead of using the bathroom, I’d poke all over the labyryhthine halls, hoping to discover something mysterious or strange. I never did. Our Rainbow Girl rituals, on the other…