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Tag: author Tui Snider

#LangdonReview #VisitGranbury Countdown to my Writing Residency in Granbury, Texas!

Daily updates on my blog My husband teases me because when I’m excited about a trip, I often pack my suitcase a week in advance. In a similar vein, I am so darn excited about my upcoming writing residency for the Langdon Review, I decided to post daily updates about it right here on my blog. I thought I was going to wait until I was actually in Granbury, but apparently that’s not how I roll! I will continue posting once a day throughout my residency. What is this residency? The Langdon Review Weekend is an amazing annual literary conference, and I am super…

#LangdonReview #VisitGranbury You’re Invited to My Mixed Media Show: Online & Off!

Creative Residency The Langdon Review Weekend is an amazing annual literary conference, and I am super thrilled and honored to be their resident writer (and photographer!) this year. My residency starts on August 27th. I’ll be staying in the gorgeous historic town of Granbury, Texas through September 10th with the sole purpose of creating and reaching out to the community, both in person and online. (Click here to read a blog post about last year’s Langdon Review Weekend.) Mixed Media show for Granbury’s Gallery Night The residency kicks off this Saturday, August 27th. Squeee! I’m having a mixed media show that evening from 5 – 8 p.m. at…

Biting off more than I can chew?

What is IWSG? IWSG stands for “Insecure Writers Support Group.” It’s a monthly check-in for writers of all stripes. Its creator, Alex J. Cavanaugh, describes ISWG like this: “Purpose of IWSG: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!” – Alex J. Cavanaugh Stepping out of my DIY comfort zone:   So IWSG peeps, here’s what’s up with me this month. My current insecurity is that I may have bitten…

Flag Day: 6 Surprising Facts about the US Flag

In Texas, Every Day is Flag Day Even though Flag Day is officially celebrated on June 14th, it often feels like every day is Flag Day here in the state of Texas! The Dallas – Fort Worth region is quite breezy, so it’s easy to express your pride for state and country with proudly waving flags all year long. That said, with Flag Day around the corner, I thought I’d share a few offbeat and overlooked facts about the stars and stripes: 6 Quirky Facts about the American Flag 1. Flag Day is not an official federal holiday. Even so,…

Memorial Day’s Surprising Origins

Memorial Day’s Surprising Origins Did you know that Memorial Day began as a remembrance for Union soldiers who lost their lives in the American Civil War (1861-1865)? After World War I, this federal holiday was changed to honor all men and women who lost their lives in any US military conflict. Before that, Memorial Day was all about the north! Decoration Day Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. The word “decoration” refers to flags and bouquets with which citizens decorated the graves of fallen soldiers.  This name wasn’t changed until after World War II. Why is Memorial Day in…

Tell me about your “big but,” Simone!

What is IWSG? IWSG stands for “Insecure Writers Support Group.” It’s a monthly check-in for writers of all stripes. Its creator, Alex J. Cavanaugh, describes ISWG like this: “Purpose of IWSG: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!” – Alex J. Cavanaugh My big writing fear: My big writing fear is that I won’t be able to keep up with everything. I love all my writing projects, and I do…