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Tag: names

K is for Killjoys – How to Protect Your Creativity #AtoZChallenge

I love encouraging others! Since I love encouraging others so much, I’m sharing Creative Encouragement Memes for this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge. The quotes are from all over, but I took each photo with my iPhone. Here’s today’s featured letter: Protect Yourself from Creative Killjoys Some people get so frustrated with their own creativity that seeing you enjoy your creative projects pisses them off. I call these people Creative Killjoys. The world is full of them, alas, and they come in several flavors. One type of Creative Killjoy will regale you with facts and figures about how few artists “make…

J is for Just Keep Going #AtoZChallenge

I love encouraging others! Since I love encouraging others so much, I’m sharing Creative Encouragement Memes for this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge. The quotes are from all over, but I took each photo with my iPhone. Here’s today’s featured letter: J is for Just Keep Going “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius I like this quote because it’s so simple and obvious and yet, if you slow down and roll it around in your mind it can stir up a lot of feelings. For instance, in my case it…

I is for Ideas Are Like Beach Rocks

I love encouraging others! Since I love encouraging others so much, I’m sharing Creative Encouragement Memes for this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge. The quotes are from all over, but I took each photo with my iPhone. Here’s today’s featured letter: Ideas are like Beach Rocks “Ideas are like rocks on a beach: They’re everywhere, but they don’t stack themselves!”- Tui Snider Have you ever met someone who treated their ideas as if they were the final product? I’m talking about folks who cling to an idea as tightly as Gollum held onto “The Precious.” Hey, I’ve done it myself! Sometimes…

H is for Hating Yourself #AtoZChallenge

I love encouraging others! Since I love encouraging others so much, I’m sharing Creative Encouragement Memes for this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge. The quotes are from all over, but I took each photo with my iPhone. Here’s today’s featured letter: H is for Hating Yourself One thing we have ALL got in common: We all have faults! But that’s ok. In fact, sometimes our faults are part of what make us interesting. Case in point: every single movie or TV show you enjoy. If the characters were all flawless, would you even bother watching the story? So quit spending all…

G is for Giving Up vs a Creative Charley Horse

I love encouraging others! Since I love encouraging others so much, I’m sharing Creative Encouragement Memes for this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge. The quotes are from all over, but I took each photo with my iPhone. Here’s today’s featured letter: Is it Time to Give Up? Or is it a Creative Charley Horse? Have you ever had a Charley Horse? That’s the nickname for a terrible cramp that strikes out of the blue, usually affecting your calf muscles. When you get a Charley Horse, every instinct tells you to keep pointing your toes, even though that’s the wrong thing to…

F is for Friends Feed Creativity: Online & Off

I love encouraging others! Since I love encouraging other creatives so much, I’m sharing Homemade Creativity Memes for this year’s A to Z Blog Challenge. By “homemade” I mean that the quotes are from all over, but I took each photo with my iPhone. Here’s the one I made for today: F is for Friends Feed Creativity Online & Off! I can be quite the hermit, it’s true! My creative process for writing, music and even photography often finds me wandering off by myself for hours, even days, at a time. And while I enjoy this time alone, when I finally…