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Tag: Italy

Saturday Show & Tell – International Women’s Day

Welcome to Saturday Show & Tell This week’s blog carnival has International Womens Day for a theme, since March 8th, 2011 marks the 100th anniversary of that celebration. Today’s roundup features 9 different bloggers, and offers a variety of perspectives on the female experience, with topics ranging from guilt-ridden Spring cleaning to guilt-free masturbation. Cherrye Moore kicks off this edition with a post entitled Happy International Womens Day. Cherrye is an American expat living in Italy, and her post explains how this holiday is celebrated in Italy. Katie Greenaway also muses about International Womens Day, Italian style, in a post…

Saturday Show & Tell – First Edition

Welcome to the very first Saturday Show & Tell blog carnival here at Mental Mosaic: Food for Your Muse. This week’s edition features 6 posts. That’s 5 more than I was expecting since I popped this idea on everyone at the last minute. (Full disclosure: I got 2 more submissions through the Blog Carnival site itself, but they were both rather spammy, so I have not included them.) First up is a post entitled, Messy Imperfect Funny Love-Filled Life, which comes from Kyra, who wrote, “I couldn’t decide which post to send to you but I settled on one that…

Do Drugs Make You More Creative?

Anne Wayman touched on one of my pet peaves about creativity today in her post, “Lady Gaga Gets High To Write – Will It Work For You?” over at her blog About Freelance Writing. In the post, Anne confesses that drugs and alcohol do not feed her particular muse. As she puts it, “I either got lazy and didn’t write at all, or, when I sobered up what I had written was just plain awful.” On the other hand, Lady Gaga recently confessed to Anderson Cooper that she smokes pot whilst penning her tunes. I am sure that this comes…

Reverb 10 prompt: Wisdom

The Reverb 10 prompt for December 10, 2010 comes from Susannah Conway, author of Unravelling Prompt: Wisdom. What was the wisest decision you made this year, and how did it play out? For Lois Kelly, learning how to do nothing was her wisest move in 2010. Brooke Farmer realized this year that: Conventional wisdom is mostly bullshit and will not make you happy. Or, at least, it won’t make me happy. So this year I having been making lot’s of bad decisions and I am, so far, very happy with the progress I’ve made. Dev made a conscious choice to…

Confessions of a Recovering Barista

I often describe myself as a ‘recovering barista,’ because when you have brewed as many shots of espresso and steamed as many pitchers of milk as I have over the years, it alters you. Y’know how you can spot a former ballerina by her splayed feet? It’s kinda like that, except that the Zen-like discipline of making wonderful espresso leaves mental marks rather than anything physical. As a result, when I enter a coffeehouse, I can’t help but eavesdrop on the baristas. By ‘eavesdrop’ I mean listening to what they do, not what they say. I can tell by sound…

Rambling about alien worlds & finding photos

Last night, we watched Jim Henson’s movie, “The Dark Crystal.” I hadn’t seen it since the early 1990’s, and it has held up quite well. I enjoy sci fi and fantasy movies that transport you to lands of the imagination, “Pan’s Labyrinth,” for instance, or “Mirror Mask,” but what most impressed me about “The Dark Crystal” is how Henson created such a unique world without any CGI. The flora and fauna are Muppets. The result is truly creative and delightfully alien, although I must admit, the main character reminded me slightly of Michael Jackson post-plastic surgery (even so, I got…