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Tag: Brick Lane

Saturday Show & Tell – Short and Sweet

This week’s Saturday Show & Tell is short and sweet thanks to a technical glitch. Turns out that items submitted through the blog carnival site got tossed to the ether and are now cavorting with Amelia Earhart, Jimmy Hoffa and all the socks that go MIA each year from my washer. I usually get half a dozen really spammy submissions in addition to the sincere ones, but this week – nothing – which I found odd. Fortunately, Mad Kane sent an email to me directly asking if her submission had made it through. It hadn’t. So, our first submission this…

Window Licking on Bricklane

When I tell people I’m going to London, they inevitably rattle off a list of the top 10 tourist attractions – the Tower, Big Ben, London Eye – and ask which ones I’ll be seeing there. I always laugh and tell them I haven’t a clue. What people don’t realize is that for me, London means visiting my step-daughter. She’s the main dish, and everything else is gravy. (Actually, everything else is usually cheese or chocolate when we’re together!) The bottom line is that I fly to London to see Naomi. Like any parent, I want to make sure that…