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Tag: wildflowers

A to Z Texas: Bluebonnets & Bastard Cabbage

Wildflowers are Big in Texas Each year, spring slams into Texas with all the subtlety of a meteor, and bright swathes of red, blue, purple and yellow wildflowers bloom alongside the highways. Bluebonnets are the Texas state flower While those living elsewhere are often oblivious to their state’s flower, it’s a rare Texan who does not know that the Bluebonnet is the Lone Star State’s official blossom. In fact, it’s become a Texan tradition to dress in your Sunday best, park along the shoulder of a road, and take photos of your loved ones surrounded by wildflowers. Lady Bird’s Bill…

Saturday Show & Tell – Texas Wildflowers

This week’s Saturday Show & Tell rounds up 4 posts, all from bloggers here in Texas. (Notice that I didn’t call us, “Texan bloggers,” I don’t think I have lived here long enough to qualify as a Texan yet!) Paula Puffer came up with this week’s timely theme: “Here’s something fun for this week’s carnival. Since it’s springtime in Texas, I thought wildflowers would be a good topic.” Oh, Paula, of course! Texas springtime and wildflowers go hand in hand. As I mentioned in, Wildflower Viewing: A Texan Tradition : “…it’s a rare Texan who does not know that the…