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Tag: ROW80

ROW80 – Messy as Hell, but Beautiful, too

My Rambling Row80 Check-in: A Familiar Squeeze Lately, it seems like all I do is scramble from work, to home, to bed, to work, to home, to bed, to work, to home, to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat – that’s it. Meanwhile, I’m trying to squeeze my own creative life into any spare cracks I can find. I lived like this for years when I was raising my step-daughter and her father was perpetually unemployed. So, this is not a new type of situation. It is, however, one that I made a huge decision not to repeat after my divorce. My…

ROW80 – A Little Help from my Twitter Friends

Here’s my ROW80 check in: It’s been a challenging adjustment working at my husband’s boat shop. Most days I manage to peek at Twitter, my email, and post photos on, but they don’t call it, “the busy season,” for nothing. By the time I get home, I’m too frazzled and tired to string words together. In fact, since I struggle with anemia-related fatigue, I often crawl right into bed after work. After my first week, it became obvious that I was not going to get any writing done if I didn’t do something differently. But what? Since my writing…

Rooftop Honey & an Impromptu Road Trip

Rooftop Honey: An Unexpected Treat A beekeeper came to our house a couple of days ago, climbed onto our roof, hacked into a dormer and pulled out a big hive. He tucked its pieces into a sectioned box and took the bees home with him. If all went as planned then the queen bee was in one of those sections, and the hive will live on. If not, at least we tried. Neither my husband nor I wanted to call an exterminator. Not only are bees struggling worldwide, but these particular ones are very mellow. I haven’t been stung once,…

ROW80 Check-in: Pass the WD-40, please!

ROW80 Check-in I am in panic mode right now about writing my book because in a couple of weeks I will be working in an office full-time. After working from home for the past five years, this is going to be a big change. [What’s ROW80? Check out the A Round of Words in 80 Days website.] Long story short: my husband needs a secretary/bookkeeper for his boat shop, and he needs someone he can trust, since previous employees have done nasty things (stealing, mostly.) Hubby also seems to think I can write on the job, since folks before me…