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My Crack Hamster & To Do List Epiphany

ROW80 & IWSG Check-ins Like windshield wipers that suddenly sync up, today is both a ROW80 and an IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) check-in date. Whee! I’ll start with IWSG: IWSG – Much To Do Lists About Nothing I love to do lists. They help me relax. Dumping all my ideas onto a piece of paper gets me out of my head. It helps me let go mentally, and focus in the moment. When I don’t write to do lists, I feel like a hamster on crack, unable to hop off its exercise wheel long enough to eat a tiny…

IWSG & DFWcon: Because Writing Conferences & Insecurity Go Hand in Hand!

  IWSG & DFWcon ReCap I’m combining my DFWcon Recap along with an IWSG check-in because, in my case at least, writing conferences and writing insecurities go hand-in-hand! IWSG stands for “Insecure Writers Support Group.” It’s a monthly check-in, and this is my very first time joining the group. Hi, everyone! Last weekend was the DFW Writer’s Conference a.k.a. DFWcon (DFW stands for “Dallas – Fort Worth” for those who may not know.) It’s my 3rd year attending, but it’s the first time I was both an attendee *and* a vendor. Yup – I manned (womanned? personed?) a table to…

#IWSG I did something scary!

Yikes! I did something recently that’s both exciting and scary! My next book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols: A Field Guide for Exploring Historic Graveyards is now available for preorder on Amazon.  Both the paperback and the ebook are available now at deep discounts!   Why is that scary? Because: DEADLINES! I am not a fan of deadlines, but the preorder process forced me to pick a hard and fast one for this book; August 19th! *gulp* So the scary part is that my book is not 100% done. The text needs smoothing, I’ve not sent it to the editor, and I’m…