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Tag: cemetery symbols

What Does IHS Mean in Historic Cemeteries?

April A to Z Challenge 2020: It’s that time of year! Every April, bloggers around the world make posts for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to make friends online. Here’s my post for today: [The following is an adapted excerpt from my book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols. I hope you enjoy it! Also, full disclosure: that’s an Amazon affiliate link. If you buy stuff after clicking it, I make a few pennies at no additional cost to you.] IHS is not a dollar sign I nearly titled this post, “Why does Grandpa…

Historic Cemeteries: Grave Houses, Shelters & Coverings

April A to Z Challenge 2020: It’s that time of year! Every April, bloggers around the world make posts for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to make friends online. Here’s my post for today: [The following is an adapted excerpt from my book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols. I hope you enjoy it! Also, full disclosure: that’s an Amazon affiliate link. If you buy stuff after clicking it, I make a few pennies at no additional cost to you.] Grave Houses, Grave Shelters, Spirit Houses People sometimes erect house-like buildings and other structures…

What does a Grotto Symbolize in Historic Cemeteries?

April A to Z Challenge 2020: It’s that time of year! Every April, bloggers around the world make posts for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to make friends online. Here’s my post for today: [The following is an adapted excerpt from my book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols. I hope you enjoy it! Also, full disclosure: that’s an Amazon affiliate link. If you buy stuff after clicking it, I make a few pennies at no additional cost to you.] Cemetery Grottos Are you familiar with grottos? With Easter around the corner, I thought…

What do Feet Symbolize in Historic Cemeteries?

April A to Z Challenge 2020: It’s that time of year! Every April, bloggers around the world make posts for each letter of the alphabet. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to make friends online. Here’s my post for today: [The following is an adapted excerpt from my book, Understanding Cemetery Symbols. I hope you enjoy it! Also, full disclosure: that’s an Amazon affiliate link. If you buy stuff after clicking it, I make a few pennies at no additional cost to you.] Bare-footed Saints and Angels Have you ever noticed that saints and angels are nearly…

2018 Historic Cemetery Symbols Tour in Granbury, Texas – Info & Tickets!

Cemetery Tour: back by popular demand! How would you like to explore a historic cemetery in Granbury, Texas with author, Tui Snider, as your guide? Tui (that’s me!) will explain the meanings behind the architecture and symbols found in this fascinating burial ground. Last year’s cemetery tour was so much fun and so many people have asked about it, that I decided to do it again! The cemetery tour is fun to do after the speakers and booths close up for the night (8pm, Saturday, Sept 29th, 2018) during the fabulous Granbury Paranormal Expo.  However:While the tour is family-friendly, it’s probably not suitable for children under the age of 12. It’s your call!…

Historic Cemeteries: Cast Iron Graves by J.R. Abrams #GraveHour

Cast iron grave covering – not mere decoration The photo below shows a child’s grave with a cast iron covering. This type of cast iron grave covering was patented in 1873 by Joseph R. Abrams, and there’s a lot more to it than mere decoration!  It was intended to be better than simply mounding dirt at a gravesite.   Invented by J.R. Abrams in 1873 As J.R. Abrams explains in his patent: “By this construction the sinking of the loose earth in the grave has no effect upon the superposed and hardened artificial mound formed by the cement.” Click here to read…