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Tag: ROW80

Free Goal Setting Guide for Writers & Artists #ROW80

Looking back on 2016 Like so many of us, I’m looking back on 2016 and making plans for 2017. I even had trouble falling asleep last night because all the things I’d meant to do but didn’tĀ kept prancing through my brain. Not sure why they chose last night to gang up on me. I guess it’s a January thing. Of course, it’s not like I was going to leap out of bed at 2 a.m. and get them all done! This morning, I made a list of goalsĀ that fell by the wayside last year. Some of them clearly fell through…

Why do *you* blog?

Blog problems My blog has been giving me technical problems lately – and by “lately” I mean since last June. At the moment, it won’t let people leave comments, which is a bummer because blogs are all about two-way communication! Rethinking my blog Maybe it’s just frustration over all the time spent trying to fix my blog when I could have been writing, but I find myself wondering why I blog. Is it worth the time and energy? Does anyone out there enjoy my posts? Should I even bother? I owe a lot to my blog That said, I owe…

My Crack Hamster & To Do List Epiphany

ROW80 & IWSG Check-ins Like windshield wipers that suddenly sync up, today is both a ROW80 and an IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) check-in date. Whee! I’ll start with IWSG: IWSG – Much To Do Lists About Nothing I love to do lists. They help me relax. Dumping all my ideas onto a piece of paper gets me out of my head. It helps me let go mentally, and focus in the moment. When I don’t write to do lists, I feel like a hamster on crack, unable to hop off its exercise wheel long enough to eat a tiny…

Unexpected Texas Book Signing – You’re Invited!

Book Signing this Saturday I’ve got good news for my Row80 writing check-in! This Saturday, March 29, 2014 I will be in downtown Fort Worth, Texas with paperbacks of Unexpected Texas in hand, ready to sign and sell. The venue is a funky furniture shop called There’s No Place Like Home (855 Foch St, Fort Worth, TX 76107), and I will be there from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. If you are in the Dallas – Fort Worth area, I hope you will swing by and say hi! This Saturday is perfect for a book signing, since it’s also the…

Unexpected Texas Update: Prize Winners & #1 on Amazon

My Row80 & Unexpected Texas Update On March 2, 2014 I officially released my quirky travel guide Unexpected Texas on Amazon as both a paperback and Kindle version. For the next 8 days, Unexpected Texas toured the web on a whirlwind book release blog tour. A variety of interviews and reviews appeared on the following blogs to help promote my book. It was so much fun! #UnexTex Blog Tour Prize Winners The book blog tour for Unexpected Texas was a blast! I learned a lot, had fun, and made some great contacts. Today, I’m pleased to announce the winners for…

Unexpected Texas Book Release Blog Tour Coming Soon!

Book Release Blog Tour After formatting, setting up the Unexpected Texas Book Release Blog Tour was the next big thing on my self-publishing to-do list. I’m happy to report that virtual book tour is shaping up just fine. It’s gonna be fun, too: I’m giving away free copies of my book along with other prizes every single day of the tour. Then, on the final blog tour day ( Monday, March 10, 2014) the eBook version of Unexpected Texas will be free on Amazon. Talented Bloggers & Fun Prizes Here’s a linky list arranged “Brady Bunch” style so you can…