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Month: February 2011

Saturday Show & Tell – First Edition

Welcome to the very first Saturday Show & Tell blog carnival here at Mental Mosaic: Food for Your Muse. This week’s edition features 6 posts. That’s 5 more than I was expecting since I popped this idea on everyone at the last minute. (Full disclosure: I got 2 more submissions through the Blog Carnival site itself, but they were both rather spammy, so I have not included them.) First up is a post entitled, Messy Imperfect Funny Love-Filled Life, which comes from Kyra, who wrote, “I couldn’t decide which post to send to you but I settled on one that…

The Lost Art of Dressing Up

How do you feel about clothing? Is it just something utilitarian, or is it part of your creative expression? Has your attitude towards clothing changed over the years? When was the last time you dressed up for fun? After reading Jyllian’s post Gekommen um zu bleiben , I decided to blog about a topic I’ve pondered for years: the lost art of dressing up. As Jyllian puts it: “I want to wear kitten heels, a bob haircut , flapper dress and carry a small jeweled purse whilst drinking champagne and speaking barbs politely. Sigh. Why isn’t life like this?” Exactly!…

Backyard Travel: Nguyen Loi Oriental Supermarket

When you are in Texas, it’s pretty hard to forget that you are in Texas. Everywhere you look there are businesses with “Lone Star” in their name, Texas flags proudly flying, and fancy pick-up trucks with bumper stickers proclaiming great things about the state. One of my favorite things about Texas, in fact, is its strong sense of identity. Texas is like a loud-mouthed, opinionated friend you don’t always agree with, but you love to hang out with, anyway. A couple days ago, however, it felt like I stepped out of Texas and into another country. My fiance and I…

Do Drugs Make You More Creative?

Anne Wayman touched on one of my pet peaves about creativity today in her post, “Lady Gaga Gets High To Write – Will It Work For You?” over at her blog About Freelance Writing. In the post, Anne confesses that drugs and alcohol do not feed her particular muse. As she puts it, “I either got lazy and didn’t write at all, or, when I sobered up what I had written was just plain awful.” On the other hand, Lady Gaga recently confessed to Anderson Cooper that she smokes pot whilst penning her tunes. I am sure that this comes…

Recycled Books in Denton, Texas – Gotta love the view!

A few weeks ago, my fiance and I hopped in the car for a spontaneous, let’s-just-get-out-of-the-house kind of trip. We had no particular agenda, but north seemed a good direction, which is how we wound up in Denton, Texas on a chilly Sunday afternoon. The first thing we discovered about Denton is that Sundays are the worst day of the week to visit. Nearly all the shops and museums were closed. Luckily, there was a fabulous used bookstore open, a place called Recycled Books. I love any bookstore, but funky, used bookstores are my favorites. The moment I stepped inside…