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Month: November 2009

NaNo NaBlo Wipe out!

Well, I crashed and burned on both NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo this year, but I am still glad to have dabbled in both. Because of the NaNo efforts, I met a local writer, and connected with a local writing group. Because of the NaBlo I discovered some really interesting bloggers. I’m delighted with the groovy new friends I am making, and whose blogs I will be linking to … when I return. Yes, I’m hopping a jet to London in a couple of hours. This will be the first Thanksgiving that I’ve had in 8 years with my fabulous step-daughter and…

Big Grandma is Watching You!

I saw this atop a cab in Ft. Worth. I wonder if there are any other Grandma signs around town? Maybe, at the entrance to the hospital, there’s a reminder to have clean underpants on before you check in. I actually don’t mind when guys’ boxers show. I don’t find it cool. It simply makes them look funnier when they run all knock-kneed across the street. Personally, I’d like to see Grandma take on some tougher stuff, say, creating peace in the Middle East, or lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

Bon jour, y’all!

“Bon jour, y’all!” is how the server at the local French restaurant greeted us. This collage of phrases was melded together with a heavy Texan drawl and seemed utterly natural coming from him. Now that I think about it, it really sums up the Frenchy-Tex cuisine they offer there. In fact, if I were their marketing director, I’d consider making that their slogan.

Monet, the Fishing Spider

When it comes to spiders, I experience equal parts fascination and freak-out. So when I realized the one in the photo above was mere inches from me as I sat by the backyard pond, I had mixed feelings. I’m new to Texas, and don’t quite know what’s venomous here, so this seemed like a good time to call upon the gods of Google. Unfortunately, 15 minutes of downloading one spider photo after another only succeeded in giving me a serious case of the spider heebies. The spider heebies are akin to how you might feel if you spent the night…

Raindrop Halos

The rain in Spain may fall mainly on the plain, but in Texas it just bitch slaps you wherever you may be. Texan rain resembles the tempests you see in movies about Seattle: sheet after sheet of pounding, morbidly obese raindrops, with thunder and lightning for added drama. Any Seattleite will tell you we rarely get Hollywood style deluges in the Pacific Northwest. I know a lot of folks there who don’t even own an umbrella. I like walking in Seattle style rain. There is a certain velvety mist I especially enjoy, like a constant whisper throughout the day; it…

Expired Inspiration

It’s late, I’m tired, and not too inspired. The opposite of inspiration is expiration, and while I’m not yet ready to expire, I am more than ready for bed. Despite this, I want to post something for NaBloPoMo; so enjoy this photo of morning fog, sky and tree branches, and I’ll catch up with you – whoever you may be – tomorrow.